Page 65 - 02 The Great Image
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                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                              Chapter 2-The Great Image
                   After a reign of seven years, Cyrus left the

               kingdom  to  his  son,  Cambyses,  called

               Ahasuerus  in  Ezra  4:6,  who  reigned  seven

               years  and  five  months,  to  B.  C.  522.  Eight

               monarchs  whose  reigns  varied  from  seven

               months  to  forty-six  years  each,  took  the

               throne  in  order  till  the  year  B.  C.  336,  as

               follows:               Smerdis                the          Magian,                called

               Artaxerxes in Ezra 4:7, seven months, in the

               year  B.  C.  522;  Darius  Hystaspes,  from  B.  C.

               521  to  486;  Xerxes,  from  B.  C.  485  to  465;

               Artaxerxes Longimanus, from B. C. 464 to 424;

               Darius  Nothus,  from  B.  C.  423  to  405;

               Artaxerxes  Memnon,  from  B.  C.  404  to  359;

               Ochus, from B. C. 358 to 338; Arses, from B. C.

               337 to 336. The year 335 is set down as the

               first of Darius Codomannus, the last of the line

               of the old Persian kings. This man, according

               to  Prideaux,  was  of  noble  stature,  of  goodly
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