Page 67 - 02 The Great Image
P. 67
~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~
Chapter 2-The Great Image
which the Grecians, though only one to
twenty in number as compared with the
Persians, were entirely victorious; and
Alexander thenceforth became absolute lord
of the Persian empire to the utmost extent that
it was ever possessed by any of its own kings.
“And another third kingdom of brass shall
bear rule over all the earth,” said the prophet.
So few and brief are the inspired words which
involved in their fulfillment a change of the
world’s rulers. In the ever-changing political
kaleidoscope, Grecia now comes into the field
of vision, to be, for a time, the all-absorbing
object of attention, as the third of what are
called the great universal empires of the earth.
After the fatal battle which decided the fate of
the empire, Darius still endeavored to rally the
shattered remnants of his army, and make a