Page 68 - 02 The Great Image
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                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                              Chapter 2-The Great Image
                   stand for his kingdom and his rights. But he

               could  not  gather,  out  of  all  the  host  of  his

               recently  so  numerous  and  well-appointed

               army, a force with which he deemed it prudent

               to  hazard  another  engagement  with  the

               victorious  Grecians.  Alexander  pursued  him

               on the wings of the wind. Time after time did

               Darius  barely  elude  the  grasp  of  his  swiftly

               following  foe.  At  length  two  traitors,  Bessus

               and  Nabarzanes,  seized  the  unfortunate

               prince, shut  him up in a  close  cart,  and fled

               with him as their prisoner toward Bactria. It

               was their purpose, if Alexander pursued them,

               to purchase their own safety by delivering up

               their  king,  Hereupon  Alexander,  learning  of

               Darius’s  dangerous  position  in  the  hands  of

               the traitors, immediately put himself with the

               lightest part of his army upon a forced pursuit.

               After  several  days’  hard  march,  he  came  up
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