Page 45 - 03 The Seven Churches Continued
P. 45


                                 ~The Response of History to the Revelation~

                                  Chapter 3 – The Seven Churches (continued)
                   myself, I bless God I have observed and felt

               so much mercy in this angry dispensation of

               God that I am almost transported. I am, sure,

               highly  pleased  with  thinking  how  infinitely

               sweet his mercies are, when his judgments are

               so gracious.’ In view, then, of the origin and

               design of the chastisements you receive, ‘Be

               zealous and repent.’ Lose no time; lose not a

               blow of the rod, but repent at once. Be fervent

               in  spirit.  Such  is  the  first  appliance  of


               Be  Zealous  and  Repent.  —  Although,  as  we

               have seen, the state represented by coldness

               is preferable to one of lukewarmness, yet that

               is not a state in which our Lord ever desires to

               find  us.  We  are  never  exhorted  to  seek  that

               state. There is a far better one which we are

               counseled to attain; and that is to be zealous,
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