Page 48 - 03 The Seven Churches Continued
P. 48
~The Response of History to the Revelation~
Chapter 3 – The Seven Churches (continued)
poverty, in sweat, in blood — comes to the
door of a professed friend, who owes all to
him, and cannot get in! — comes to rescue a
man whose house is on fire, and he will not
admit him! Oh, the height, the depth, of Jesus
Christ’s forbearance! Even the heathen
Publius received Paul, and lodged him three
days courteously. Shall nominal Christians tell
the Lord of apostles that they have no room
for him?”
If Any Man Hear My Voice. — The Lord
entreats, then, as well as knocks. And the word
if implies that some will not hear. Though he
stands and knocks and entreats till his locks
are wet with the dews of night, yet some will
close their ears to his tender entreaties. But it
is not enough simply to hear. We must hear,
and open the door. And many who at first hear