Page 49 - 03 The Seven Churches Continued
P. 49


                                 ~The Response of History to the Revelation~

                                  Chapter 3 – The Seven Churches (continued)
                   the voice, and for a time feel inclined to heed,

               will doubtless, alas! fail in the end to do that

               which is necessary to secure to themselves the

               communion of the heavenly Guest. Reader, are

               your  ears  open  to  the  entreaties  which  the

               Saviour  directs  to  you?  Is  the  sound  of  his

               voice a welcome sound? Will you heed it? Will

               you open the door and let him in? Or is the

               door of your heart held fast by heaps of this

               world’s  rubbish,  which  you  are  unwilling  to

               remove? Remember that the Lord of life never

               forces an entrance. He condescends to come

               and knock, and seek admittance; but he takes

               up his abode in those hearts only where he is

               then a welcome and invited guest.

               And then the promise! “I will come in to him,

               and will sup with him, and he with me.” How

               forcible and touching the figure! Friend with
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