Page 50 - 03 The Seven Churches Continued
P. 50


                                 ~The Response of History to the Revelation~

                                  Chapter 3 – The Seven Churches (continued)
                   friend, partaking of the cheerful and social

               meal!  Mind  with  mind,  holding  free  and

               intimate  converse!  And  what  a  festal  scene

               must that be where the King of glory is a guest!

               No  common  degree  of  union,  no  ordinary

               blessing, no usual privilege, is denoted by this

               language.  Who,  under  such  tender  entreaty

               and  so  gracious  a  promise,  can  remain

               indifferent? Nor are we required to furnish the

               table  for  this  exalted  Guest.  This  he  does

               himself, not with the gross nutriment of earth,

               but  with  viands  from  his  own  heavenly

               storehouse. Here he sets before us foretastes

               of the glory soon to be revealed. Here he gives

               us earnests of our future inheritance, which is

               incorruptible, undefiled, and fadeth not away.

               Verily,  when  we  shall  comply  with  the

               conditions, and receive this promise, we shall

               experience  the  rising  of  the  day  star  in  our
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