Page 55 - 03 The Seven Churches Continued
P. 55


                                 ~The Response of History to the Revelation~

                                  Chapter 3 – The Seven Churches (continued)
                   himself  be  subject  unto  him  that  put  all

               things under him, that God may be all in all.”

               The truths taught in this portion of Scripture

               may perhaps be most briefly expressed by a

               slight  paraphrase,  and  by  giving,  in  every

               instance, instead of the pronouns, the nouns to

               which they respectively refer. Thus: —

               “Then  cometh  the  end  (of  the  present

               dispensation),  when  Christ  shall  have

               delivered  up  the  kingdom  (which  he  now

               holds conjointly with the Father) to God, even

               the Father; when God shall have put down all

               rule  and  all  authority  and  power  (that  is

               opposed to the work of the Son). For Christ

               must reign (on the throne of his Father) till the

               Father  hath  put  all  enemies  under  Christ’s

               feet. [See Psalms 110:1.] The last enemy that

               shall  be  destroyed  is  death.  For  God  (then)
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