Page 58 - 03 The Seven Churches Continued
P. 58


                                 ~The Response of History to the Revelation~

                                  Chapter 3 – The Seven Churches (continued)
                   be “forever and ever.” Daniel 7:18, 27. How

               can  any  earthly  object  divert  our  gaze  from

               this durable and heavenly prospect?

               Thus  close  the  messages  to  the  seven

               churches.  How  pointed  and  searching  their

               testimony! What lessons do they contain for

               all Christians in all ages! It is as true with the

               last  church  as  with  the  first,  that  all  their

               works  are  known  to  Him  who  walks  in  the

               midst of the seven golden candlesticks. From

               his scrutinizing  gaze nothing can be  hidden.

               And while his threatenings to the hypocrites

               and evil workers, as in justice they may be, are

               awful,  how  ample,  how  comforting,  how

               gracious, how glorious, his promises to those

               who  love  and  follow  him  with  singleness  of

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