Page 59 - 03 The Seven Churches Continued
P. 59


                                 ~The Response of History to the Revelation~

                                  Chapter 3 – The Seven Churches (continued)

                      Gracious words of counsel, messages of love,

                      Sent to all his children from the Lord on high;

                Precious are these warnings from the throne above,

                     As the world’s last crisis swiftly draweth nigh.

                       Weak and all unworthy we, his children, are

                      Pure and perfect must be ere we see his face;

                     Now for us the Saviour shows his tender care,

                    Offering for our purchase every heavenly grace.

                    Let each boundless promise every bosom thrill,

                Bear us through sad ills this world has ever known,

                      Till we reach the mansions on God’s holy hill,

                       Till we sit with Jesus on his glorious throne.
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