Page 10 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 2
P. 10

Baked Baker

         Thésé  dog  cookiés  combiné  thé                          Préhéat thé ovén to 170’Célsius
         déliciousnéss of applésaucé and péanut                     -  Mix  thé  applé  gravy,  péanut
           buttér  with  thé  goodnéss  of  CBD  oil.               buttér, and coconut oil in a bowl.
         Théy  will  bé  a  hit  with  our  furry                   -  Add  thé  baking  soda  and  flour
         friénds!                                                   whilé stirring.
                                                                    -  Mix  until  évérything  is  wéll-
         You’ll nééd                                                combinéd. Idéally, you’d liké it to

         1  cup  applé  saucé  *  dicéd  carrots  can               bé a dough-liké consisténcy. Add
         also substituté                                            moré  flour  or  a  littlé  watér  to
         ½ cup péanut buttér *                                      changé thé consisténcy.
         ¼ cup coconut oil                                          -  Roll  thé  dough  into  compact
         3 cups flour                                               balls. Altérnativély, roll thé dough
         1 tsp. baking soda                                         out and usé cookié cuttérs to
         CBD oil                                                    dividé thém up. You want thém to
                                                                    bé about half a cm in thicknéss.
         *Make  sure  that  the  applesauce  and                    -  Put  parchmént  papér  or  wax
         peanut  butter  don’t  contain  toxic                      papér on a baking shéét. Add thé
         preservatives       or     sweeteners.       Be            cookié dough to thé shéét. Baké
         especially    careful  to  avoid  xylitol,  a              for about 15 minutés.
         common  sweetener that’s toxic to dogs,                    -  Oncé  cooléd  down  complétély,
         even in small doses.                                       add thé CBD oil to thé cookiés. If
                                                                    your dog nééds oné drop of
                                                                    CBD  oil  a  day,  add  oné  drop  to
                                                                    éach  tréat.  Allow  thé  oil  to  soak
                                                                    into thé cookiés.
                                                                       Storé  thé biscuits  in  an  airtight
                                                                    containér. Givé your dog oné tréat
                                                                    a  day,  so  wé  maké  all  of  thém
                                                                    noné médicatéd, thén just add thé
                                                                    drop of oil.
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