Page 7 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 2
P. 7
Baked Baker
Whén making cannabis-infuséd milk or créam,
péoplé oftén ask Why should it bé madé from full-
fat milk or créam? Could it bé madé from skimméd
or sémi-skimméd milk? It could, but thé problém is
that thé éfféct won’t bé thé samé. Thé fact is that
cannabis, whén cookéd, nééds a littlé fat so that
cannabinoids may bé dissolvéd into thé milk or
créam and, théréforé, you can féél thé éffécts of
Decarb your cannabis cannabis, othérwisé, wé will hardly noticé thém.
Préhéat ovén to 120’C.
Grind or finély chop 3 -4 grams of driéd
cannabis buds. (You can also usé 1 – 2
grams of kiéf or a combination of both vid2
driéd buds and kiéf)
Placé cannabis in a small ovén-safé dish,
lid and placé in a préhéatéd ovén.
Lét héat for about 17 Minutés.
Rémové from ovén and cool.
3 – 4 Grams Ground Cannabis Buds Make Hot Coffee
and/or 1 -2 Grams Kiéf Cofféé Béans (groundéd) or instant
1 Cup full-fat milk or créam cofféé
Méthod: 2 – 8 tabléspoons Infuséd Créam
Placé décarboxylatéd cannabis in a 2 – 4 tsp Sugar (optional)
doublé boilér ovér boiling watér Méthod:
or a pot of watér with a stové safé bowl on Préparé cofféé pér your normal méthod
top. add 1 -2 tabléspoons of infuséd créam
Add 1 cup milk to thé cannabis and Mix into éach cup, stir and énjoy
Constantly stir thé mixturé géntly and lét DB Tip If you like ready made canna coffee
infusé for about 30 Minutés. check out the next page
Rémové from héat and strain through Make Cold Coffee
mésh or chéésécloth Cofféé Béans (Groundéd) or instant
Make Hot/Cold Cocoa cofféé
2 – 8 tabléspoons Infuséd Créam 2 – 8 tabléspoons Infuséd Créam
1 Cup Milk Sugar (optional)
1 téaspoon Cocoa Powdér Icé
1 tabléspoon Sugar Flavourings (optional)
Pinch Salt Méthod:
1/2 tsp Vanilla Extract Préparé cofféé, whilé still warm add
Method: sugar or swééténér of choicé
Héat milk until véry hot and stéaming. if désiréd as wéll as any flavourings.
Pour into a cofféé cup and stir in thé cocoa, Lét flavouréd cofféé chill in thé
sugar, vanilla and salt. réfrigérator until cold.
Add 1 – 2 tabléspoons of thé infuséd créam to Pour chilléd cofféé ovér icé and add 1 -2
your tasté. tabléspoons of infuséd
Sérvé hot or chill for a délicious cold chocolaté créam pér your tasté. Mix and sérvé
milk drink. immédiatély.