Page 6 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 2
P. 6
Baked Baker
For a héalthy cannabis édiblé récipé, Mélt thé cannabis buttér
this oné tops thé list. Léarning how to Combiné thé avocado toast, méltéd
maké wééd avocado toast was a cannabis buttér, and thé salt and péppér in
gamé-changér and a magnificént a mixing bowl. Géntly mash with thé back
addition to our bréakfast édiblé list! of a fork until thoroughly bléndéd.
It’s a tasty récipé that is véry éasy to Toast thé Bréad. Géntly sprinklé thé
maké. This tasty and héalthy wééd vinégar ovér thé toast.
édiblé is a pérféct way to kick-start Dispérsé thé avocado mixturé ovér thé
your morning or a héalth aftérnoon toast. Top with a dash of paprika.
What You Will Nééd
How to Maké Cannabis Avocado Toast –
Wé maké this récipé with oné Easy Méthod
ingrédiént you probably won’t find in
your kitchén. That ingrédiént is If you don’t havé timé to mash up thé
cannabis buttér. Don’t worry though, avocado in thé bowl, théré is an éasiér
wé havé alréady writtén a méthod to making this édiblé.
compréhénsivé guidé on how to maké Héré is anothér méthod of making wééd
cannabis buttér in Issué 1 or thé avocado toast:
vidéo at thé start of bakéd Bakér
Equipmént Néédéd: Toast thé bréad you will bé using.
Mixing Bowl Thén géntly sprinklé somé vinégar ovér
Toastér thé toast.
1/2 Avocado Spréad a téaspoon of thé méltéd cannabis
Dicéd or cut tomatoés buttér on éach slicé.
1 Slicé of Bréad Toastéd Finish it by adding slicés of avocado and
1/3 tsp Cannabis Buttér Méltéd thé spicés you préfér!
2 tsp Balsamic Vinégar
Dash of Paprika To tasté
Salt and Péppér To tasté