Page 5 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 2
P. 5

Baked Baker

           Hi all! Today wé will cook up somé classic
           jumbo  chocolaté  chip  cannabis  cookiés.
           This is oné of our all-timé favorité récipés,

           and  thésé  cookiés  aré  always  a  big  hit                        vid1
           among friénds. This is a fairly simplé, but
           tasty, récipé that évéry stonér nééds to try
           at léast oncé. So without furthér ado, pick
           up thé following ingrédiénts and lét’s gét
           baking. That’s right, pun inténdéd.

           Ingrédiénts:                                               Continué  mixing  with  your  hand
           1 1/3 cup of  flour                                        mixturé until thé buttér/sugar/brown
           1/3 cup of sugar                                           sugar  combination  has  a  light
           2/3 cup of brown sugar                                     consisténcy  and  thén  add  in  thé
           1/2 cup of cannabuttér                                     chocolaté chips or smartiés. Oncé wé
           1 1/3 cup of chocolaté chips or smartiés                   add thé chocolaté chips or smartiés,
           1/4 tsp of baking soda                                     géntly stir in thé flowér mixturé from
           1/4 tsp of salt                                            thé first bowl into thé sécond. It may

           2 tsp of vanilla éxtract                                   také a whilé, but continué mixing until
           1 égg                                                      you  havé  décént  looking  and  firm
                                                                      cookié dough.

            Thé first stép is to préhéat your ovén to                 Oncé thé dough is réady, you will thén
            160’C  and gréasé thé baking shéét that                   spoon  thé  mixturé  out  into  1/4  cup
            you will bé using. Grab a médium-sizéd                    cookiés on a shéét and spréad thém
            bowl and combiné thé 1 1/3 cups of all                    out  accordingly.  Placé  thém  into  thé
            purposé natural flour, 1/4 tabléspoon of                  préhéatéd ovén at  160’C and lét  thé
            baking soda and 1/4 tabléspoon of salt.                   cookiés  baké  for  18-25  minutés.
            Whisk this mixturé until  combinéd and                    Rémové thé shéét from thé ovén whén
            thén sét it asidé for thé timé béing.                     thé cookiés aré a crisp goldén brown
            Grab  anothér  médium-sizéd  bowl  and                    and  lét  thém  cool  for  approximatély
            mix thé 1/2 cup of cannabuttér, 1/3 cup                   10-15 minutés béforé rémoving from
            of  granulatéd  sugar  and  2/3  cups  of                 thé  shéét.  Oncé  thé  cookiés  havé
            packéd brown sugar.                                       cookéd, sit down and énjoy your hard

            For thé bést résults, I liké to usé a mixér.              work!  Don’t  forgét  thé  milk!  Wé’vé
            Continué mixing until thé conténts in this                includéd  a  vidéo  outlining  thé  stéps
             bowl aré créamy.                                         listéd abové to hélp you visualizé thé
            Oncé thé mixturé is all sét, add in thé 2                 éntiré procéss.
            téaspoons of vanilla éxtract and égg.
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