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W        e are delighted to announce the New York State Association of   surveying curriculums on the exhibit floor and potentially recruit new

                                                                  employees upon graduation. Please join us for this important event to
                 Professional Land Surveyors 65th Annual Surveyors Conference
                 & Exhibtion hosted by the Nassau Suffolk Civil Engineers, Inc. The
                                                                  help our future licensees by giving them a few hours of your time. See
                 conference will be held IN-PERSON on January 17-19, 2024, at
                                                                  on your registration form.
                 the Turning Stone Resort & Casino located in Verona, New York.   page 14 for more details and be sure to indicate you’d like to participate
          A renowned, award-winning destination resort in Upstate New York, the   Extraordinary Exhibition Experience!
          Turning Stone Resort & Casino features world-class amenities including   Spend more time perusing our exhibits and getting the most out of
          four hotels, two luxurious spas, an all-weather indoor golf dome, more   your conference experience. Once again, we will feature exhibit hall
          than 20 dining options, a 125,000 square foot Las Vegas-style gaming   presentations showcasing the latest advancements and trends in
          floor, a cabaret style Showroom, and several nightlife venues. (Visit    surveying technology. Don’t forget to stop by in-between classes so you
 for more information).             can vote on our annual map contest entries, bid on silent auction items

          Our annual surveyor’s conference is our most anticipated event of   for our scholarship fund, visit the NYSAPLS Bookstore and member
          the year, hosting surveying professionals from New York, Vermont,   lounge, discover new member benefits and connect with vendors, friends
          Massachusetts, New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island,   and other business professionals.
          Maine and the neighboring Canadian provinces. With nearly 1,000   Take a few moments to review the extensive program our volunteer
          professionals networking through our exhibits, seminars, and social   committees have worked so hard to put together for you. Join us as we
          events, we guarantee this is one event you do not want to miss.  celebrate 65 years of showcasing our great profession!

          Your Host: The Nassau Suffolk Civil Engineers, Inc.     Sincerely,
          Nassau Suffolk Civil Engineers, Inc. is an association of Professional Land   Kenneth J. Stigner, LS, PP
          Surveyors and Engineers founded in 1916 and incorporated in 1927   Conference Committee Chair
          for the advancement of the professions of Professional Land Surveying
          and Engineering. They are honored to come together with their fellow   William R. Eggers, LS
          statewide members and colleagues to host our 65th celebration.   Education Committee Chair

          Lighting the Path to the Future
          This year’s theme symbolizes our event and network of members as an
          ever so bright and beaming light, such as that of a lighthouse, illuminating   Watch for updates at
          and guiding the career path for future generations of surveyors. Come
          explore the endless possibilities the world of surveying can offer. There
          are many paths you can choose to enhance your career. There has never   Additional program details
          been a better time for you to embrace the vast wealth of information and   will be revealed soon, such as:
          peer support offered at our annual conference. Come network and find
          out what everyone else is doing, how they are doing it, and how you can   VENDOR SHOWCASE PRESENTATIONS
          improve your workplace efficiency to increase your workload.   Perfect for anyone looking to pick-up an extra CE
                                                                       hour while enjoying our tradeshow! This series of
          New All-in-One Registration Pricing                         programs will feature shorter (1-hour) presentations
          Our Conference and Finance Committees worked hard to streamline the   given on our exhibit hall stage by our vendors.
          registration process and provide more value and less worrying at our
          event. New this year, all conference registrations include meals!    OUT-OF-STATE CE HOURS
          Whether you come for 1 day or 3 days, you won’t need to worry about   We have applied to various surrounding states
          additional lunch fees on top of the registration fee. See page 23 for    for land surveying continuing education hours.
          more information.                                             If you hold a license in another state, be sure
                                                                        to check out the latest updates to our CE hours
          Student Networking Day 2024                                             posted on our website.
          We are looking for volunteers to participate in our 8th annual student
          networking day. The NYSAPLS Education Committee has designed an
          afternoon including an introduction to the “real world” of surveying to
          assist current students enrolled in survey related programs. It is also a
          great way to get to know some of the faculty from the colleges offering

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