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P. 7
Thursday, January 18, 2024 Making Tracks – Railroad Problems Survey Cost Analysis
NY LS/PE: 4.0; NH 1.0; VT 4.0; NJ 4.0 NY LS/PE: 1.5; NH .25; VT 1.5; NJ Pending
afternoon sessions Kristopher M. Kline, PLS Scott R. Reeser, PLS
1:30pm – 5:30pm 4:30pm – 6:00pm
New Standards for Utility Numerous lawsuits emphasize the problems Many surveyors are truly experts in the art of
Infrastructure Investigation, facing the surveyor who attempts to determine surveying, but lousy in economics. Get a group
Documentation, and Data Exchange the limits and nature of property rights associated of surveyors together from a local area and
NY LS/PE: 4.0; NH 1.0; VT 4.0; NJ 4.0 with rail lines. This course focuses on Railroad eventually they will get around to complaining
Philip J. Meis, MS, PE Easements and Rights-of-Way with specific focus about the local “low baller”. Odds are that the
1:30pm – 5:30pm on understanding how the courts determine the individual they are speaking about is not out to
Utility owners are rarely contractual parties to location and ownership of a rail corridor. undercut the competition. In many cases, they
the infrastructure project development process, have not taken the time to look at the real effort
yet their existing pipes, cables, and support involved in their work. This session is intended
structures have significant effects on project to help them perform that analysis.
risk, schedules, and budget. Reliance upon
utility owner records for design base conditions
has proven insufficient as these are often
inadequate or incompatible with designer needs,
especially within congested urban corridors.
Historically, engineers delegated the problem,
through disclaimers and onerous contract
language, onto the contractor. This escalates
projects costs as contractor contingency rises to
reactively address unforeseen utility issues, but The Business of Surveying
more importantly, engineers forgo opportunities NY LS/PE: 0.0; NH 0.0; VT 1.5; NJ Pending
to proactively and strategically address base Kevin Hanley, PLS
conditions that affect public health, safety, and 2:00pm – 3:30pm
welfare (such as worker safety, integrity and This course will provide a perspective on the Modeling with Style –
operations of vital utility services, traffic sand integration of a professional practice with Using Civil 3D Styles
commercial disruption, public discomfort, and NY LS/PE: 1.5; NH .25; VT 1.5; NJ 1.5
societal costs) in the planning and design stages. the necessary commercial aspects of the Margaret McMenamin, PE, CFM
ASCE developed two standards, ASCE/UESI/ profession. It will be presented by a registered 4:30pm – 6:00pm
CI 38-22 (ASCE 38) and ASCE/UESI/CI 75-22 Professional Land Surveyor that ran a successful This session will go “under the hood” into styles
(ASCE 75), to assist engineers in managing small surveying business for almost 30 years. and settings for Civil 3D points including point
risk associated with utility infrastructure. ASCE markers and label styles. Beginning with point
38 is a non-mandatory consensus standard Improving Your Workflow from the
and considered a best practice in many states; Field into the Office with Carlson data, attendees will learn how to choose which
however, Colorado went a step further and turned Software point marker and point label style will be used
ASCE 38 into a statutorily required standard for NY LS/PE: 1.5; NH .25; VT 1.5; NJ Pending to display points. The course will cover the four
all public projects disturbing more than 1,000 Michael Hyman levels of point display, including description keys
square feet and 2-feet of depth. The results from 2:00pm – 3:30pm and point groups, as well as how to set point
Colorado have Pennsylvania and other states creation defaults. Additionally, they will learn
following suit. The Engineers Joint Committee In this session we will look at the options, how to create their own point styles, including
on Contract Documents (EJCDC) also reference settings, and output features within Carlson’s markers based on user-defined blocks, and on
these standards as a basic engineering service. Field Collection Software as well as Office which layers points and their labels will reside
ASCE 75 is being applied as a digital utility “as- Software. A quick look at a code list that within the drawing.
built” standard for recording newly installed seamlessly bonds the field to the office for
and exposed utility infrastructure; the survey making the survey map. Focusing on Carlson
community has an important role to oversee Field collection best practices, we’ll jump start
successful implementation of ASCE-75 and the class and show how it seamlessly bonds
ensure utilities are accurately tied to the National itself together with Carlson’s office software.
Geodetic Survey’s national Spatial Reference Settings and suggested workflow enhancements
System (NSRS) before getting buried and will also be reviewed and analyzed for survey
forgotten. ASCE 38 and ASCE 75, along with new control while in the field. Incorporating GPS/
technologies for cloud-based data management GNSS, as well as total station data, will also be
and geophysical methods for seeking out utilities, discussed, showing how to process the raw and
are driving new and untapped risk management field collected data. At the end of this session,
strategies for project development. This session students should have a better feel for the
will present these two newly published utility options and enhancements to improve workflow
standards, associated new technologies, and new within the company with Carlson’s SurvPC and
legislative efforts to employ those best practices. Carlson Office Software. 7