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Laser Scanning – Which Problem Wednesday, January 17, 2024 Data Flow, Data Processing and More
Solving Solution is Right for You? afternoon sessions with Carlson Software
NY LS/PE: 1.5; NH .25; VT 1.5; NJ Pending NY LS/PE: 4.0; NH 1.0; VT 4.0; NJ Pending
Kenneth J. Fronheiser, PLS Michael Hyman & Doug L. Aaberg, PLS
10:30am – 12:00pm Student Networking Learning 2:00pm – 6:00pm
The method (art) of data capture has greatly Exchange Room Overall, this class will highlight some of the
changed over the years. One of the more NY CE: n/a year’s training events that Carlson Software
advanced ways of collecting data is to use 1:45pm – 2:15pm has done in New York. We will start with some
a Laser Scanner. From a Professional Land As part of student networking day, join us after important project setup settings for starting
Surveyor turned Sales Consultant, I am often our annual awards ceremony to further the up your boundary, topographic and general
asked what the difference is between “these networking experience between students and mapping projects. We will then move on to
scanners”. When considering taking the “dive” licensed professionals. The awards room will the best practices on file exchange and data
into this type of advanced technology, it can be remain open and reserved for professionals preparation from Carlson’s field Software
difficult to choose the scanner that meets all of and students to relax over a cup of coffee, SurvCE/SurvPC into Carlson Survey. Other field
your needs. Laser scanners today sit on tripods, discuss their experiences in an informal setting software solutions will be discussed for best
are mounted on top of vehicles or can be and address questions the students may have deliverables into Carlson Desktop Software. We
handheld. This session will look at various laser regarding entering the workforce as a surveying will also discuss the importing and exporting
scanners that Trimble offers and their associated professional. Or participants can use this time of Civil 3D files, what to look for and ask
workflows. We will conclude the presentation by period to stroll the exhibit hall (licensees: this for. LandXML data exchange formats will be
looking at customer stories (case studies) and is a great way to acquaint students with your discussed and reviewed. Data import options
how they used laser scanners to maximize their technical contacts at our tradeshow). Conference will also be discussed and the options within
time and profits. attendees who wish to participate in student Carlson to best utilize the various types of data
day activities should sign-up on the conference sets available i.e.: Images, ESRI Shape Files,
registration form. More details on student Point Clouds, Contours for import into Carlson.
networking day can be found on page 14. From there, we will review processing and
utilizing raw data files from total station and GPS
data sets. Reducing and processing raw data
files (.rw5). An overview of compass and least
square adjustments will also be reviewed within
Carlson Survey. Deed entry and deed correlation
processing options will be reviewed. We will
then finish up with some of the enhanced
capabilities within Carlson’s Field-To-Finish for
final mapping options. Additionally, items will
also be reviewed with your input as time allows.
GIS and the Surveyor – Supporting Preparing to be an Expert Witness
Each Other NY LS/PE: 4.0; NH 1.0; VT 4.0; NJ 4.0
Laura E. Ayers, Esq.
NY LS/PE: 4.0; NH 1.0; VT 4.0; NJ Pending 2:00pm – 6:00pm
J. Peter Borbas, PLS, PP & Patrick Gahagan Expert witnesses, such as surveyors, provide
2:00pm – 6:00pm essential testimony in court cases and lawsuits
This course will educate surveyors as to how that provide the trier of fact (jury or judge) with
to support their private and public GIS clients facts, information and opinions that are beyond
and government agencies as well as their own the ken of the average person. This course is
businesses. We’ll learn about data sharing, designed to introduce the surveyor to the court
analysis and survey deliverables that increase the room in the role of an expert and fact witness
value of our survey data and surveys. The course for boundary line or other property disputes.
is an engaging interaction between a surveyor, The surveyor, in taking this course, will become
a GIS Professional and the attendees. A real-life familiar with the testimony and responses that
example of collaboration for submission for site are allowed, the objectives of the attorneys
development permitting will be presented.
and justice system and the rules of evidence
regarding maps, surveys, and measurements.