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Friday, January 19, 2024 Acquiring NYS DOT When the Last Observation is Taken!
morning sessions Appropriation and NY LS/PE: 1.5; NH .25; VT 1.5; NJ Pending
Other State Mapping Kevin Hanley, LS
10:30am – 12:00pm
Three New Ways to Find Trouble NY LS/PE: 1.5; NH .25; This course will provide an overview of the
VT & NJ Pending
NY LS/PE: 4.0; NH 1.0; VT 4.0; NJ 4.0 James S. Thew, LS elements that led to a successful 51-year career
Kristopher M. Kline, PLS 8:00am – 9:30am in private practice with an emphasis on the
8:00am – 12:00pm importance of being registered as a Professional
This class focuses on: (1) Lands protected by NYSAPLS has been Land Surveyor. The program will address the
the Public Trust Doctrine; (2) In-depth discussion working with the NYS GIS Association on the impact of licensure on one’s career and will
of Easements and the Doctrine of Merger; (3) creation of a database for retrieval of NYS DOT provide a unique personal perspective on its
Slander of Title. These issues have recently appropriation mapping and enhancing access to importance. It will be presented by a registered
come home to roost at the doorsteps of some public information as it relates to the surveying Professional Land Surveyor that ran a successful
unhappy land surveyors. profession. This course will provide an update on
the progress of this collaborative effort, as well as small surveying business for almost 30 years and
Ethics for the Geomatic Professional show attendees how to retrieve information from had a 51-year career in the surveying profession.
NY LS/PE: 4.0; NH 1.0; VT 4.0; NJ Pending the databases that already exist, such as, the How to Study and Prepare to Pass the
Scott R. Reeser, PLS NYS GIS Clearinghouse website and the NYS DOT
8:00am – 12:00pm record plans portal. This course will also provide LS Licensing Exam
Attendees will review published definitions of information for the retrieval of railroad valuation NY CE: n/a
Professional ethics, as well as cultivate a group mapping, canal mapping, and letters patent. Richard C. Brooks, LS, John S. Boddecker, LS &
definition. The Canons of Ethics, published by the Attendees will walk away with an expanded list Caegen J. Burnett, LS
10:30am – 12:00pm
New York State Association of Professional Land of contacts at various NYS agencies and public This course will stress the importance of
Surveyors, will be reviewed, as well as ethical utilities to better serve the public. preparation. This not only applies to studying,
codes from other surveying and engineering but also to be prepared mentally and physically
professional organizations. Ethical requirements NYS Exam Application Preparation to produce the best results. Personal examples
of the New York State Department of Education NY CE: n/a will be shared by the instructors, as well as
as they relate to surveyors and other Geomatics Eric Greppo, PE & Richard C. Brooks, LS willing class students. This should be a very
Professionals will also be discussed. Discussion 8:00am – 9:30am upbeat class with lively exchange of ideas and
on the development of surveyor ethics will be This course is intended for prospective land suggestions, as well as tried and true practices.
discussed. This session is geared toward group surveyor licensure applicants and land surveyor
participation, the presenter will encourage professionals interested in best nurturing future
participation by all attendees in a manner that professionals on their team. It is critical that
encourages through and exchange of ideas. applicants clearly and thoroughly understand
the criteria and processes associated with the
Introduction to Photogrammetry application for NYS Professional licensure in
NY LS/PE: 4.0; NH 1.0; VT 4.0; NJ 4.0 Land Surveying. This course discusses, in an
Edwin W. Rhodes, III, LS informal & participatory format, communication,
8:00am – 12:00pm organization, and expression of experience on
The purpose of this course is to provide the licensure applications. It reviews the current
student with a foundation in photogrammetry regulatory requirements, forms, and submission
and an understanding of the calculations needed processes necessary for successful application.
to process flights and how they apply. This Attendees of this session will garner a better
course will give students hands-on experience sense of what is required when applying for
in performing calculations that could appear licensure, the importance of good, clear, and
on the exam as well as giving the students a concise writing skills, and understand why
building block on what goes into producing comprehending instructions, seeking help, and
photographic images which can be converted networking are all critical success factors.
into map products.