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Education Summit Thursday, January 18, 2024 Creating a Quality Management Plan
NY CE: n/a morning sessions (QMP) for Land Surveyors
2:30pm – 3:30pm NY LS/PE: 4.0; NH 1.0; VT 4.0; NJ Pending
A round table education summit meeting with Lemuel Morrison, LS
an open invitation to New York State Licensed NYSNet CORS/RTN Update 8:30am – 12:30pm
Professional Land Surveyors, College Professors NY LS/PE: 1.5; NH .25; VT 1.5; NJ 1.5 Surveyors are in the business of balancing errors
from ABET accredited colleges, students and our Patrick J. Magee, LS and dealing with ambiguity, so how do you check
invited guest dignitaries from bordering states, 8:00am – 9:30am a project without redoing it? Want to improve
Canadian Provinces and the NSPS leadership. This course will provide an update on the status and document your quality process? This session
Discussions focus on how we as Professionals of the NYSNet CORS/RTN including an overview will cover the classic 4 corners of a Quality
can better educate our licensed members and of heights, ellipsoid/GEOID and how to analyze Management Plan (QMP) – plan the project,
the students (future surveyors). The visiting GPS/BM’s used within NYS. This course will also manage the project, check the project, and
dignitaries provide us with what their states describe the current state of GNSS, what GNSS improve. There will be an emphasis on survey-
have implemented successfully to address the NYSNet is making use of, and what mount points specific topics and real-world examples. This
needs of licensed land surveyors with technical include GNSS data. We will also discuss the new session is intended for all levels of surveyors who
and/or regulatory issues and college programs. Datums and how conversions to international feet contribute to creating a quality survey.
The college professors provide course offering will affect the CORS/RTN system.
and information gained from the students who NYS GIS Clearinghouse
have completed their internships and how Photogrammetry Workflows NY LS/PE: 1.5; NH .25; VT 1.5; NJ 1.5
licensed land surveyors could help improve with Pix4D Elisabetta DeGironimo, GISP
the student experience. Licensed Surveyors NY LS/PE: 1.5; NH .25; VT 1.5; NJ Pending 10:30am – 12:00pm
share their unique experiences on boundary Thomas E. Cerchiara, Jr., LS In New York State we are fortunate to have
issues and working relations with the public 8:00am – 9:30am a large and growing set of publicly available
and regulatory agencies in the everyday world. Pix4D is the leading provider of professional GIS resources including datasets and apps.
Therefore, taskforce discussion will include photogrammetry software used in surveying, The NYS ITS Geospatial Services (formerly GIS
current legislative and regulatory issues affecting engineering, and construction. In this class we Program Office) hosts the State’s framework
the profession. Attending students will give us will review workflows using the latest Pix4D data program, the GIS Coordination Program,
an insight into the future from angles yet to be desktop software, Pix3Dmatic and Pix4Dsurvey. and a GIS web service platform. This training will
expose participants to framework data resources
observed. We will also explore what courses need This next generation software is replacing the including orthoimagery, elevation, addresses,
to be offered to students to become licensed heavily utilized Pix4Dmapper in many industries streets, municipal boundaries, and property
professional land surveyors and what technical including Surveying and Engineering. Topics parcels. All of these data collections require
programming is needed for current licensees. will include best practices in data collection, partnerships, some with local governments, and
processing settings, efficient workflows, and others with private companies. This program
Real World Perspectives Panel data extraction to CAD. We will cover the value will describe Geospatial Services’ partnership
NY LS/PE: 2.0; NH .50; VT 2.0; NJ 2.0 and process of sharing this data for visualization strategies and vision. Finally, participants will gain
Moderator: Jeremy E. Thompson, LS and analysis to internal and external customers an understanding of the benefits of connecting to
4:00pm – 6:00pm using Pix4Dcloud. Tips & tricks along with GIS web services or using available apps which
The Real-World Perspective session is an lessons learned will be shared throughout the removes the burdens of downloading and handling
interactive presentation between attendees and class. large GIS data sets while making use of their
a series of panelists. The panelists will consist content. The GIS clearinghouse (
of a group of professionals from surveying and Property Boundaries vs. is the gateway to these programs, as well as data
related professions that demonstrate expertise Regulatory Authority resources provided by many other agencies.
within their areas of work. The session will NY LS/PE: 4.0; NH 1.0; VT 4.0; NJ 4.0
be facilitated by the presenter to ensure the Kristopher M. Kline, PLS How to Choose the Right GNSS Tools
interaction stays relevant and on schedule. 8:00am – 12:00pm for the Greatest Productivity
Each panelist will share their experience and Confusion is common when municipal, state, NY LS/PE: 1.5; NH .25; VT 1.5; NJ 1.5
thoughts on the topics including details of the or federal regulations come into apparent Harry R. Schultz, II, LS & Jesse Phillips
current paths of licensure in New York; benefits conflict with principles associated with property 10:30am – 12:00pm
of involvement with professional organizations; titles. This class considers this problem as it We will begin this presentation by reviewing
the importance of Continuing Education; and pertains to: Riparian Issues: Marketable Title; some fundamentals of, as well as recent
different opportunities within the surveying Zoning Restrictions; Wetland Delineation; Buffer improvements to, GNSS Technology. Next, we
profession (larger multi-faceted firms vs smaller Zones; Tax Maps and Railroad Valuation Maps; will examine how different projects may require
firms, public vs. private sector). The audience Floodplain Mapping; Recording Statutes; and different approaches based on various factors
will be encouraged to ask questions and to be Subdivision Regulations. including budget, precision requirements, sky-
engaged with the panel. view, and other considerations. The remaining
portion of this course will be spent reviewing
some of the software tools back in the office for
importing and processing GNSS data.