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[ member news ]
Welcome New NYSAPLS Members! Committee Updates
Thank you for joining our amazing team of professional licensees, Did you know ALL of our committees have a webpage with
technicians, students, thinkers, leaders, professors, volunteers, and meeting minutes and other member resources? We post brief
all-around good people! Watch for your new member kit in the mail. monthly updates for all committees in our HQ news feature. But
In addition, one of our membership committee members will be if you’re looking for more details, visit our website committee
contacting you by phone to welcome you. pages and see what they’ve been up to!
Jason E. Armbrewster, Batavia, NY – Associate Member
Enver X. Julardzija, East Elmhurst, NY – Associate Member Member Benefit Reminder: Free Webinars!
Ilya Kliuchnik, Brooklyn, NY – Student Member The NYSAPLS Finance Committee has received approval
Eugene Lezaja, Woodland Park, NY – Regular Member from the NYSAPLS Board of Directors to once again offer our
members TWO (2) FREE 1-hour 1st Friday Webinar for the
Joshua Osei-nti, Saint Albans, NY – Associate Member 2022-2023 dues year as an added member benefit ($98 value).
Joseph P. Ryan, Lawrence, KS – Corresponding Member A coupon including the promo code will be sent to you after
Albert J. Siver, Watertown, NY – Associate Member your membership has been renewed. If you miss placed your
Michael J. Vanriper,Washingtonville, NY – Associate Member coupon, contact our office for the promo code. Promo code
valid for use towards two 1-hour First Friday webinars only.
Christopher M. Zmijewski, Moorestown, NJ – Corresponding Member Must be used by 6/30/23. Offer not redeemable for cash or
future credit. Not valid towards previous purchases. May not
Congratulations New Licensees! be combined with any other coupons or discounts. May not
NYSAPLS would like to congratulate the following individual(s) who be transferred.
have been granted the title of “Land Surveyor” as an official licensee
in the state of New York: Reminder - NYS Education Department’s Office
Michael L. Marques 51173 Pittsford, NY of Profession’s Advisory Notice: Regulatory
Steven M. Rybinski 51174 West Henrietta, NY Amendments approved and Effective January 1,
Andrew C. Steves 51175 Queensbury, NY 2022 for Engineering, Land Surveying and Geology
Richard C. Kokosenski 51176 Utica, NY The New York State Board of Regents approved regulatory
Ian St. Hilaire 51177 White Plains, NY amendments in engineering, land surveying and geology that
are effective January 1, 2022. These regulatory amendments
Mitchell Cummings 51178 Loudon, NH offer greater flexibility by updating and modernizing
Randy K. Jackson 51179 Sussex, NJ the continuing education requirements for professional
Jacqueline Dresser 51180 Ovid, NY engineers and land surveyors while implementing continuing
Robert J. Truitt 51181 Queensbury, NY education requirements for professional geologists.
For a detailed view of the regulatory amendments, see
All new licensees are granted a complimentary 1-year NYSAPLS the Regulations of the Commissioner on their website at
membership and will be honored at the Awards Ceremony during the
NYSAPLS Annual Surveyors Conference. Below is a summary of the major regulatory changes:
NYSAPLS Featured in Mainstreet Magazine • The continuing education requirements may be completed
via courses of learning or in live classes as determined by
Thank you to our Public Relations Committee and our PR Firm, The the licensee, provided that the continuing education is
Martin Group. Due to their efforts, NYSAPLS member & Education completed through a Department-approved sponsor and is
Committee Chair, William Eggers, LS, was recently featured in in an acceptable subject area
Mainstreet Magazine, a Hudson Valley regional publication. The • Professional engineers, land surveyors and professional
article reviewed “5 Benefits of Getting Your Property Surveyed”. geologists may now complete their continuing education in
Check it out here:
additional subject areas, including architecture, landscape
architecture, and interior design.
Are you receiving our NYSAPLS’ E-newsletters? • Six hours of “carry over” credit may now be used from one
Are you receiving our weekly and monthly updates? We send our registration period to another, within certain parameters.
latest updates via email including membership updates and upcoming
events as well as our establish e-newsletters: Headquarters Updates,
Upcoming Events, The Secretary’s Scoop, and Town Hall Tuesday. If you
are not receiving these updates, be sure to check your spam/junk
folders and add our staff email addresses to your contacts.