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Finance & Membership Committees: The Finance and        Public Relations: The committee’s last meeting was held July
        Membership committees held a joint meeting on August 1 . The   21 . They launched their “Summer of Surveying” campaign earlier
        Finance Committee shared a concept behind lowering associate dues   this summer. The committee received a lot of responses on social
        introduced at the strategic retreat. The idea was to encourage more   media regarding benchmarks and decided to also launch a
        associate members to join the association and become involved and   “Benchmark Hunt” campaign for August. Please submit a photo of
        eventually become licensed regular members. Treasurer Gillis shared   a benchmark you have found while on vacation and you may see it
        a spreadsheet he created illustrating the cost effect on the budget and   on our social media pages! The committee is continuing to work
        how many new associate members would be needed based upon how   on the details and recordings for a series of short YouTube videos
        much the dues were lowered. The committees agreed that although   focused on surveying. The topics are commonly asked questions
        lowering dues could encourage employers to pay for associate   from the public. They also are working on an article for the
        employee’s dues, it is not enough to just get more associate   Association of Towns by-monthly newsletter.
        members, the associates need to become involved in the association.   Strategic Planning Committee: The committee met on August 3
        The committees brainstormed on incentive ideas, as well as activities   with Susan Weinrich, our retreat facilitator from NYCON. The
        geared towards associate members that might encourage more   committee reviewed the revised strategic plan working draft document.
        involvement. They agreed to poll the membership to gather more   At the committee’s request, the document was reformatted by Susan to
        information. Watch for more information to be sent soon!   represent the 7 strategic issues that the retreat attendees focused on.

          Legislative Committee: The committee’s last meeting was held    The committee spent time reviewing, revising and assigning tasks for
        July 12 . You can find the minutes of the meeting on our website. Their   the first 3 strategic issues. They decided to split up the last 4 strategic
        next meeting is scheduled as a conference call on September 12 .   issues to work on individually and then reviewed the document
                                                                extensively again as a group on August 11 . The committee plans to
          Minimum Technical Standards (MTS) Committee: The      share the existing draft with our committees, directors and executive
        committee met on July 28 . Some members of the committee held   board for further comment and will present the document at the next
        a meeting with some leaders of downstate regionals on July 20 .   Board of Directors meeting scheduled on September 16 .
        The purpose of the meeting was to address each of the guests’
        concerns about the MTS and give all attendees a chance to work   Young Professionals Committee: The committee has not met
        through the issues face-to-face. Jim, Dan and Jason reviewed the   this month. They are working on plans for their next panel discussion
        concerns brought forth at the meeting. Concerns included local   to be held in September. They’ve also started developing a plan for
        practices, monumentation, costs, liability and enforcement. The   getting maps into school classrooms, to help spark interest in Land
        committee split up a contact list of regional directors in order to   Surveying. The committee plans to meet again on September 16 .
        reach out and ask if they can attend and discuss the MTS at their   Want to learn more? Full committee minutes are published
        local meetings. Jason and Roy plan to join the STALS meeting on   on our website. Login and check them out today!
        August 16 . The committee discussed holding a live (free) webinar   Are you interested in becoming more actively involved?
        to review each of the standards sections and address frequently   We are looking for members to share their “stories” and help us
        asked questions and common misconceptions. They also discussed   promote the profession. Did you company recently work on an
        plans for a round table session to be held at the NYSAPLS   interesting project? Did your regional get together to help out the
        conference on Tuesday, January 17 . They will work on putting   community? Did your son or daughter earn a Surveying Merit
        together an outline and description of the program. The committee   Badge? Are you mentoring a student over the summer with an
        is still awaiting SBELSG review of the first draft.     internship? Help us get out the word on how land surveying is
          LS PAC Committee: The committee continues to stay current    important to the community! Contact Heather Schultz to share your
        on their regular filings with the NYS Board of Elections. If you    news, .
        are interested in making a financial donation, please visit    PS – Want to see your article published in our member magazine?                     Email me your ideas,

          Nominations: The committee has not met this month. However,   Thank you for your continued support,
        if you have someone in mind that may make a good officer or
        award candidate in the future, please be sure to reach out to our
        office. Glenn Watson will be reaching out to the current officers to   Amber Carpenter
        confirm their intentions for office                     Managing Director
                                        EMPIRE STATE SURVEYOR / VOL. 58 • NO 5/ 2022 • SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER   5
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