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        President and CEO
        Roy B. Garfinkel, LS                    [ president’s message ]
        Executive Board
        Jeremy E. Thompson, LS
         Executive Vice President                                 Summer of Fun
        Steven J. Willard, LS                                       As I sit here on the tarmac at the Pearson International Airport
         Vice President
        Scott A. Gillis, LS, Treasurer                            in Toronto preparing to head out to Manitoba for a world class
        Scott B. Allen, LS, Secretary                             fishing trip with my brother Todd, I am kinda feeling a little guilty,
        Daniel E. Marvin, LS                                      as I just got back 10 days ago from an epic vacation in Deere Isle,
         Executive Director
                                                                  Maine. Afterall, I just started a new position as Survey Manager at
        Board of Trustees                                         Foit Albert in Buffalo 8 weeks ago and now here I am again off
        Robert R. Allen, LS                                       and running to have some “Big Boy” fun in the Great White
        J. Steven Boddecker, LS
        Patricia P. Brooks, LS                                    North. I should feel guilty…right? And I do, a weeeee bit, but
        Gregory J. de Bruin, LS, PE                               listen, I have been grinding it out in the work world as a surveyor
        John R. Ennis, LS                                         for 35 years now, including almost 20 years of that being in the
        R. Ronald Kreiling, LS                                    field. And well, to be honest…I deserve this kind of stuff in my
        Joseph G. Malinowski, LS
        Daren L. Morgan, LS                  Roy with his brother Todd   life, I deserve fun and happiness. And well, don’t we all deserve
        Robert A. Smith, LS                  during their fishing trip    to live full and happy lives? Of course, that is often easier said
        Edwin A. Summerhays, LS              in Manitoba.         than done. Believe me I know that firsthand as well as anyone.
        Gary L. Thompson, LS
        Glennon J. Watson, LS                  So, what does it take to get to that “Happy Place” in life where getting up in the morning
        Marie T. Welch, LS
                                             feels like another opportunity to enjoy the day’s tasks, challenges and interactions? Similar to
        NYSAPLS Headquarters                 performing a good survey, it takes thoughtfulness, diligence and a positive attitude. Easier
        146 Washington Avenue                said than done for sure and something that takes effort and will. I know as I am just getting it
        Land Surveyors Building              now at the ripe age of 62. When I use the word thoughtfulness, I mean to put thought into
        Albany, NY 12210
        518-432-4046                         how you can get to that “Happy Place.” What makes me happy? What makes me unhappy?                      How do I get myself and the people I love to “THAT PLACE?” And more importantly, how do I                     avoid putting myself and people I care about in the opposite place? Sure, there is no magic
        Editor-in-Chief &                    wand and life throws us knuckle balls all the time, but I am finding that working on being
        Managing Director                    mindful of these things and taking actions to get there helps me on a daily basis, which in
        Amber Carpenter                    turn gets me closer to “That Place.”
        Director of Operations                 Diligence, what a great word! We use it ALL the time in the survey world. “Due diligence”
        Heather Schultz                      ups the game even more, meaning…to work hard in an effort to achieve what is deserved.                  What could be more noble than due diligence? And what could be more important to striving
        Administrative Assistant             for happiness? Yes, it takes effort, lots of it! Striving to do better, to be better, but at the end of
        Sharon O'Brien                       the day when you have been diligent in your efforts towards betterment, you will find yourself
                                             closer to “That Place.”
                                                And the good ole “positive attitude,” you would think this would be the easiest one, and
                                             for some it is (and I hate you if it is for you!), but for many of us like me…this one takes the
        Affiliated Associations
        Allegheny Plateau Association of Profes-  most effort. “Put on a happy face,” “Have a Good Day,” “ Smile and the world smiles with
        sional Land Surveyors | Black River Valley   you,” I know, corny sayings that get tossed around like a dollar store beach ball at a pool
        Association of Professional Land Surveyors
        | Catskill Area Association of Land Sur-  party. But guess what, there is no doubt that finding a way to move through the world with a
        veyors | Central New York Society of Land   positive attitude helps a great deal in the quest to “THAT PLACE.” It helps you be happier,
        Surveyors | City Surveyors Association
        of Greater New York | Delaware-Hudson   and it certainly helps those around you be happier as well.
        Land Surveyors Association, Inc | Eastern
        New York Society of Land Surveyors, Inc |   I would ramble on but, we are about to land, and I hear a cold one and a behemoth
        Genesee Valley Land Surveyors Association   Northern Pike calling my name. So, in the end, if we want to be happy, it takes some planning,
        | Long Island Association of Land Surveyors   work, and effort. But, if you want it, you can get there. Take it from one who considers himself
        Inc | Mid-Hudson Valley Association of
        Land Surveyors | Mohawk Valley Society of   very lucky to have been able to have the opportunity to get to “THAT PLACE!”
        Professional Land Surveyors | Nassau-Suffolk
        Civil Engineers Inc | Niagara Frontier Land   Cheers,
        Surveyors Association | Northern New York
        Association of Land Surveyors | Southern
        Finger Lakes Association of Professional
        Land Surveyors | Southern Tier Association   Roy Garfinkel, LS
        of Land Surveyors | Surveyors Association   President
        of Queensboro Inc | Westchester-Putnam
        Association of Professional Land Surveyors
                                        EMPIRE STATE SURVEYOR / VOL. 58 • NO 5/ 2022 • SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER   3
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