Page 6 - NYS_ESS_09-2022
P. 6
[ message from
headquarters ]
I hope you all had a great summer! Over the summer months, your headquarters staff, committees and
board of directors kept busy with several ongoing projects:
Executive Board: The board met on August 9 . They reviewed the overall association’s budget and
received committee updates from several of the committees (see committee updates below). I reported I
am working on the 10-year renewal of the association’s trademark. On August 11 , many of the Executive
Board members along with our counsel, Emily Whalen, participated in a “meet and greet” conference call
with the new Executive Secretary, Eric Greppo, of the NYS Board of Engineering, Land Surveying and
Geology (NYSBELSG). We are looking forward to our continued communications and strengthening our
relationship with the new leadership at the State Board.
Board of Directors: The board met last on July 15 . You can find the minutes of the meeting on page 30.
Their next meeting is scheduled for September 16 at the Embassy Suites in Saratoga Springs, NY.
Conference Committee: The committee held an in-person meeting at the Turning Stone Resort and
Casino on Monday, July 25 . During their visit, they met with Turning Stone’s sales and banquet staff to
perform a walk-thru of the facility and continue their plans for the 2023 conference. Save the dates:
January 18 – 20, 2023! The committee decided on the 2023 “attendee gift/giveaway.” (My lips are sealed!
You’ll just have to join us for the surprise.) They also reviewed the schedule extensively and made some
adjustments. Previous sponsors were contacted by mail and given the first-right-of-refusal to renew their
sponsorship. We’ve confirmed about 70% of our sponsorships so far, however, there are still a few
opportunities left. You can find more details about our sponsor, exhibit booth and advertising opportunities
on our website. Stay tuned! Attendee registration is expected to open on our website in October.
DOT Relations Committee: The committee is awaiting meeting availability from the DOT/ROW offices.
Our counsel reached out to the DOT to request a meeting to introduce the committee, our initiatives and
inquire if there is potential for NYSAPLS to assist the DOT
with access to acquisition maps. We are hopeful we
can set something up soon to assist our
members and the surveying community.
Education Committee: The
committee met on August 2 to
discuss and finalize the 2023
conference education schedule.
There was one specific topic in
which they were struggling to
reach the recommended
instructor. Shortly after they
met, the committee made
several calls and pulled together
a local expert available to
present the topic. Great
teamwork! The committee’s next
meeting is scheduled for
September 7 .
Ethics Committee: The
committee’s last meeting was held
July 12 . You can find the minutes of the
meeting on our website. Their next meeting is
scheduled as a conference call on August 30 .