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period of instruction, the surveyor is exposed the many flood issues
                                                                 including the National Flood Insurance Program, Code of Federal
                                                                 Regulations Title 44, Flood Insurance Rate Maps, Letters of Map
                 Young  Professionals  Corner                    Change (LOMA, LOMR-F, LOMR), no rise certifications and the

                                                                 Elevation Certificate. Following this training, there is a four-hour
                                                                 exam administered to assess the surveyor’s floodplain knowledge.
                                                                 Taking advantage of the offer from the Massachusetts Association
                                                                 of Land Surveyors and Civil Engineers (MALSCE) who invited
                                                                 NYSAPLS members to attend, I participated in and successfully
                                                                 passed the three-day course in November. NSPS provided me
          NSPS Certified Floodplain Surveyor                     with a certificate complete with a certification number in their
          Program                                                own unique system. Every two years I need to take a renewal
          By Michael Lewis, LS, CFS                              course that lasts about a day. The course was not easy, but nothing
                                                                 worthwhile ever is. It was demanding, with a lot of material to
          Young Professionals Committee Member                   familiarize myself with and memorize over a two-day period.
          Many of you, hopefully, are aware of the NSPS Certified   The third day was spent reviewing, asking questions, and taking
          Survey  Technician  program. CST is  a comprehensive   the exam. Going into the course, I knew that my knowledge of
          national certification program for field and office technicians.   the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) and elevation
          The program gauges the technical capabilities and general   certificates was limited to my experiences of surveying on Long
          knowledge of the surveyor; and for those who successfully move   Island. I quickly learned there is a lot more that I did not know
          up through the levels, rewards them with nationally recognized   of  or have any experience with. I  learned  about the  various
          credentials. These credentials also benefit their employers.   aspects of NFIP. I learned about the changes brought about
          Clients can rest assured that the technical staff performing the   by Risk Rating 2.0 and the way flood insurance premiums
          work they are paying for are certified. Another certification that   are now estimated. Code of Federal Regulations Title 44 – the
          is available to land surveyors across the nation is the Certified   sections specific to NFIP, flood mapping, map corrections and
          Floodplain Surveyor program. Or it is becoming available at   identifying and mapping Special Hazard Areas, seemed to take
          least. Here in NY, and the northeast in general, the program is   the better part of an entire day to go over and discuss. How to
          just gaining ground and becoming known to respective state   read a floodway map. How to properly determine a Base Flood
          associations. I would venture to guess that most states have not   Elevation (BFE) using a Flood Insurance Study (FIS). Anything
          yet begun to offer or implement this program. I’m hoping that   and everything associated with flood mapping and management
          changes relatively quickly. The Certified Floodplain Surveyor   is covered, discussed, or at least brought up.
          (CFS) program provides another set of credentials that a   The program has been around for over 20 years in one way or
          surveyor can earn if they successfully complete a three-day   another. The State of North Carolina working in conjunction
          course of study. I first became aware of the CFS program in   with FEMA helped develop the program initially for surveyors
          the summer of 2022 when I received an email from NYSAPLS   within that state. In about 2019, North Carolina offered to
          about a course being offered in Massachusetts and followed   bring the program to the state of Tennessee. At that time, those
          up with some online research. The NSPS website offers this   were the only two states that offered such a certification which
          description of the program:                            was only recognized at the state level. Over the last three years,
          This certification program provides a comprehensive body of   a group of dedicated surveyors and State NFIP coordinators
          knowledge to the surveyor about his or her relationship with the   have worked with NSPS to develop a program that is nationally
          National Flood Insurance Program. Surveyors are a major link in   recognized by The Society. The hope is that more states will
          the entire NFIP system. To adequately perform the duties to fulfill   begin to recognize the program and offer it to their licensed land
          NFIP requirements, a surveyor must expand his or her knowledge   surveyors. Currently New Jersey offers the program along with
          on this specialized aspect of the profession. Over an intense three-day   North Carolina and Tennessee. The benefits of this program are

        20   EMPIRE STATE SURVEYOR / VOL. 59 • NO 3 / 2023 • MAY/JUNE
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