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Friday Webinar Series
 Friday W ebinar  Series  Surveying: It’s a Wonder
        By Eric Gladhill, PLS

        Surveying is a fascinating and wonderful  time I was shown how to read a Vernier  When I met with the young couple who
        profession – just think about the great  on  a  transit.  Yes,  of  course,  I’m  aging  had just bought the property, I learned
        things that we have the opportunity  myself now, but that was the main type of  that they moved into the old farmhouse
        to accomplish from day-to-day.  We  instrument being used for turning angles  because the wife had fallen in love with
        may create a new tract of land through  on basic surveys in the late 1970s. We also  the setting and they had moved into the
        subdivision which allows a young person  used scale-reading theodolites at the firm  local, rural area from a more urban setting.
        to have a new home on their own piece  where I worked, but I wasn’t allowed to  They were raising a young daughter and
        of property, or we may settle a property  touch them until later.         they wanted to raise her in an idyllic
        dispute between two parties that will   My father had been a machinist, and he   setting of a farm.
        allow for peaceful existence into the   taught me how to read a micrometer,  When they had their discussion over the
        future. Not only those types of cadastral   which used a similar type of scale to  cost of the land, the wife had suggested
        surveys, but what about the large aerial   measure the thickness of machine steel.  that they could sell some lots along the
        mapping projects that require ground   So when I first saw a  Vernier, I wasn’t  road frontage and still have their piece
        control?  Those  projects  often  lead  to   completely confused on the method of  of  paradise  in  the  middle  of  the farm,
        the design of major land improvements,   finding the etched lines which coincided  where the house and barn were located.
        including highways, buildings, parks, etc.   to read a value on a scale. I was amazed  The husband told her that he had been
        The list goes on and on.             that there was a method to measure angles  involved in land development before and
        I think it’s always good to remember the  to a finer gradation than the nearest half-  didn’t want any part of it, but invited her to
        wonder and awe that we all had when we  degree, like we did with a protractor in  manage the project and get the lots created.
        first realized how awesome the profession  high school geometry.          I was the project manager and surveyor
        of surveying is. Do you remember your   Perhaps in your career, you remember  for the subdivision and it was a difficult
        first introduction to the science and   the first time you saw a total station and  one,  with various  permits  needed  and
        math of surveying? I remember the first   data collector being used to collect data;  several hurdles to clear in order to get the
                                             literally at the speed of light. Can you  final approvals for the lots. In the end,
                                             remember the amazement and wonder  everything worked out and they made
                                             you had when you realized how this  their dreams come true.
                                             system worked and what it meant to have   The main reason for telling that story is
                                             that data translated into coordinates? Or,   not to brag about my accomplishments;
                                             maybe your first introduction to surveying   any  surveyor  could  have  completed  the
                                             was with GPS, before everyone had one in   process. It’s only to point out that what we
                                             their car or hand-held device. I think that   do is extremely important and can make a
                                             was the most mind-boggling thing for all   world of difference for the clients that we
                                             of us to experience and imagine what had   serve. Not only should we be reminded of
                                             to go into the inception and development   how great the technology is, but how about
                                             of such technology. Of course, now with   what our work provides for others? As
                                             network GPS, we can push a few buttons   stated in the opening paragraph, the work
                                             and (theoretically) obtain centimeter-level   we do makes a major impact in people’s
                                             coordinates in a matter of minutes.  lives and the world in which we live.
                                             I think it behooves us to remember the
                                             fascination and wonder that got us                About the Author:
                                             hooked on the profession of surveying in          Eric Gladhill, PLS, serves
                                             the beginning of our careers. Sometimes           as a Senior Client Manager
                                             we may just take a lot of these things for        at C. S. Davidson, Inc., in
                                             granted and allow ourselves to become             the Gettysburg office. He is
                                             disenchanted and maybe even disgruntled           licensed as a Property Line
                                             with the hum-drum routine of our work.   Surveyor in Maryland and a Professional
                                                                                  Land Surveyor in Pennsylvania. Eric B.
                                             Some years ago, the firm where I work   Gladhill, PLS, is a senior client manager
                                             was asked to do a subdivision to create   at C. S. Davidson, Inc. in Gettysburg,
                                             some residential building lots on a farm.   Pennsylvania. His book, Finding My
                                             This farm property had frontage on two   Boundaries (Interesting People I’ve Met
                                             roads. It was a long and narrow piece of   While Surveying) is available on Amazon,
                                             property with the old farm house and   Barnes & Nobel, and Kobo
                                             outbuildings in the middle, near a creek
                                             that traversed the land.             Reprinted with permission from xyHt.
                                                   EMPIRE STATE SURVEYOR / VOL. 59 • NO 3/ 2023 • MAY/JUNE   23
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