Page 474 - Physics Coursebook 2015 (A level)
P. 474
Cambridge International A Level Physics
■■ A sinusoidal alternating current can be represented by I = I0 sin ωt, where I0 is the peak value of the current.
■■ The root-mean-square value of an alternating current is that steady current which delivers the same average power as the a.c. to a resistive load; for a sinusoidal a.c.,
Irms = I0 . 2
■■ Electrical power is usually transmitted at high voltages; this allows the current to be reduced, and so resistive losses are lower.
Transformers are used to change an alternating voltage. The voltage is stepped up or down in proportion to the turns ratio of the transformer.
For a transformer, Vs = Ns . If it is 100% efficient, then VpIp = VsIs. Vp Np
Diodes are used to convert a.c. to d.c. A single diode gives half-wave rectification. A bridge of four diodes gives full-wave rectification. A capacitor smoothes the rectified voltage.
End-of-chapter questions
1 Write down a general expression for the sinusoidal variation with time t of:
a an alternating voltage V [1]
b an alternating current I (you may assume that I and V are in phase) [1]
c the power P dissipated due to this current and voltage. [1]
2 The value in amps of an alternating current is represented by the equation I = 2 sin (50πt).
a What is the peak value of the current? [1]
b What is the frequency of the supply? [2]
c Sketch a graph to show two cycles of the variation of current with time. Mark the axes with suitable values. [2]
d Calculate Irms, the r.m.s. value of current, and mark this on your graph. [1]
e Find two values of t at which I = Irms. [3]
3 The a.c. mains of 240 V r.m.s. is connected to the primary coil of a transformer, which contains 1200 turns. The r.m.s. output of the transformer is 6.0 V.
a Calculate the number of turns on the secondary coil. [1]
b A resistance of 6.0 Ω is connected across the secondary coil. Calculate:
i the average power dissipated in the resistor [1]
ii the peak current in the primary coil. [3]