Page 459 - Krugmans Economics for AP Text Book_Neat
P. 459

figure 41.4                   International Capital Flows

                                          (a) United States                             (b) Britain
                        Interest                                    Interest
                          rate                 S US                   rate
                                                                                                   S B

                                            E US
                 equilibrium  4%                                         4%
                 interest rate                                                           E B                           Section 8 The Open Economy: International Trade and Finance

                                                   D US
                                                                                              D B
                              0                         Quantity of       0                         Quantity of
                                     Capital inflow to  loanable funds                Capital outflow  loanable funds
                                     the United States                               from Britain

                               British lenders lend to borrowers in the United States,  inflows to the United States. Meanwhile, British lending
                               leading to equalization of interest rates at 4% in both  exceeds British borrowing; the excess is a capital
                               countries. At that rate, American borrowing exceeds   outflow from Britain.
                               American lending; the difference is made up by capital

             Underlying Determinants of International Capital Flows
             The open - economy version of the loanable funds model helps us understand interna-
             tional capital flows in terms of the supply and demand for funds. But what underlies
             differences across countries in the supply and demand for funds? And why, in the ab-
             sence of international capital flows, would interest rates differ internationally, creating
             an incentive for international capital flows?
               International differences in the demand for funds reflect underlying differences in
             investment opportunities. In particular, a country with a rapidly growing economy,
             other things equal, tends to offer more investment opportunities than a country with a
             slowly growing economy. So a rapidly growing economy typically—though not always—
             has a higher demand for capital and offers higher returns to investors than a slowly
             growing economy in the absence of capital flows. As a result, capital tends to flow from
             slowly growing to rapidly growing economies.
               The classic example is the flow of capital from Britain to the United States, among
             other countries, between 1870 and 1914. During that era, the U.S. economy was grow-
             ing rapidly as the population increased and spread westward and as the nation indus-
             trialized. This created a demand for investment spending on railroads, factories, and so
             on. Meanwhile, Britain had a much more slowly growing population, was already in-
             dustrialized, and already had a railroad network covering the country. This left Britain
             with savings to spare, much of which were lent to the United States and other New
             World economies.
               International differences in the supply of funds reflect differences in savings across
             countries. These may be the result of differences in private savings rates, which vary
             widely among countries. For example, in 2006, private savings were 26.5% of Japan’s
             GDP but only 14.8% of U.S. GDP. They may also reflect differences in savings by gov-
             ernments. In particular, government budget deficits, which reduce overall national sav-
             ings, can lead to capital inflows.

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