Page 702 - Krugmans Economics for AP Text Book_Neat
P. 702

enough time has elapsed for firms to enter or exit the industry. To analyze monopolis-
                                       tic competition, we focus first on the short run and then on how an industry moves
                                       from the short run to the long run.
                                          Panels (a) and (b) of Figure 67.1 show two possible situations that a typical firm in a
                                       monopolistically competitive industry might face in the short run. In each case, the
                                       firm looks like any monopolist: it faces a downward-sloping demand curve, which im-
                                       plies a downward-sloping marginal revenue curve.
                                          We assume that every firm has an upward-sloping marginal cost curve but that it
                                       also faces some fixed costs, so that its average total cost curve is U-shaped. This as-
                                       sumption doesn’t matter in the short run; but, as we’ll see shortly, it is crucial to under-
                                       standing the long-run equilibrium.
                                          In each case the firm, in order to maximize profit, sets marginal revenue equal to
                                       marginal cost. So how do these two figures differ? In panel (a) the firm is profitable; in
                                       panel (b) it is unprofitable. (Recall that we are referring always to economic profit and
                                       not accounting profit—that is, a profit given that all factors of production are earning
                                       their opportunity costs.)
                                          In panel (a) the firm faces the demand curve D P  and the marginal revenue curve
                                       MR P . It produces the profit-maximizing output Q P , the quantity at which marginal
                                       revenue is equal to marginal cost, and sells it at the price P P . This price is above the av-
                                       erage total cost at this output, ATC P . The firm’s profit is indicated by the area of the
                                       shaded rectangle.
                                          In panel (b) the firm faces the demand curve D U and the marginal revenue curve
                                       MR U . It chooses the quantity Q U at which marginal revenue is equal to marginal cost.

           figure  67.1                  The Monopolistically Competitive Firm in the Short Run

                               (a) A Profitable Firm                             (b) An Unprofitable Firm
            Price,                                             Price,
            cost,                                               cost,
           marginal                              MC           marginal                               MC
           revenue                                             revenue


                P P
                      Profit                                       ATC U  Loss
                                                                   P U
               ATC P

                                                    D P                                    D U
                                    MR P                                           MR U
                                  Q P              Quantity                      Q U                 Quantity
                          Profit-maximizing quantity                       Loss-minimizing quantity

                   The firm in panel (a) can be profitable for some output quantities:  however, can never be profitable because its average total cost
                   the quantities for which its average total cost curve, ATC, lies below  curve lies above its demand curve, D U , for every output quantity.
                   its demand curve, D P . The profit-maximizing output quantity is Q P ,  The best that it can do if it produces at all is to produce quantity
                   the output at which marginal revenue, MR P , is equal to marginal  Q U and charge price P U . This generates a loss, indicated by the area
                   cost, MC. The firm charges price P P and earns a profit, represented  of the yellow shaded rectangle. Any other output quantity results in
                   by the area of the green shaded rectangle. The firm in panel (b),  a greater loss.

        660   section  12     Market Structures: Imperfect Competition
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