Page 729 - Krugmans Economics for AP Text Book_Neat
P. 729

■ Changes in the prices of goods
             ■ Changes in the supply of other factors
             ■ Changes in technology

             Changes in the Prices of Goods Remember that factor demand is derived demand: if                          Section 13 Factor Markets
             the price of the good that is produced with a factor changes, so will the value of the
             marginal product of the factor. That is, in the case of labor demand, if P changes, VMPL
             = P × MPL will change at any given level of employment.
               Figure 69.4 illustrates the effects of changes in the price of wheat, assuming that
             $200 is the current wage rate. Panel (a) shows the effect of an increase in the price of
             wheat. This shifts the value of the marginal product of labor curve upward because
             VMPL rises at any given level of employment. If the wage rate remains unchanged at
             $200, the optimal point moves from point A to point B: the profit-maximizing level of
             employment rises.
               Panel (b) shows the effect of a decrease in the price of wheat. This shifts the value of
             the marginal product of labor curve downward. If the wage rate remains unchanged at
             $200, the optimal point moves from point A to point C: the profit-maximizing level of
             employment falls.

                figure  69.4                  Shifts of the Value of the Marginal Product Curve

                               (a) An Increase in the Price of Wheat              (b) A Decrease in the Price of Wheat
                 Wage rate,                                         Wage rate,
                    VMPL                                              VMPL

                Market                     A         B                              C         A
                wage   $200                                              $200
                                                                                                     VMPL 1
                                                          VMPL 2                                     VMPL 3
                                                         VMPL 1
                         0                5         8                      0       2         5
                                          Quantity of labor (workers)                       Quantity of labor (workers)

                          Panel (a) shows the effect of an increase in the price of wheat on  point A to point B. Panel (b) shows the effect of a decrease in the
                          George and Martha’s demand for labor. The value of the marginal  price of wheat. The value of the marginal product of labor curve
                          product of labor curve shifts upward, from VMPL 1 to VMPL 2 . If the  shifts downward, from VMPL 1 to VMPL 3 . At the market wage rate
                          market wage rate remains at $200, profit-maximizing employment  of $200, profit-maximizing employment falls from 5 workers to 2
                          rises from 5 workers to 8 workers, shown by the movement from  workers, shown by the movement from point A to point C.

             Changes in the Supply of Other Factors Suppose that George and Martha acquire
             more land to cultivate—say, by clearing a woodland on their property. Each worker now
             produces more wheat because each one has more land to work with. As a result, the
             marginal product of labor on the farm rises at any given level of employment. This has
             the same effect as an increase in the price of wheat, which is illustrated in panel (a) of
             Figure 69.4: the value of the marginal product of labor curve shifts upward, and at any
             given wage rate the profit-maximizing level of employment rises. Similarly, suppose

                                                           module  69     Introduction and Factor Demand        687
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