Page 739 - Geosystems An Introduction to Physical Geography 4th Canadian Edition
P. 739

 Index I-5
radiation and temperature, 60 radioactive forcing, 331–332, 334 solar system, overview, 44–45 subsolar point, 42–43
surface energy budget, simplified, 104–107 systems theory, 11–14
temperature and heat, 69–71, 119 troposphere, energy balance in, 99–103 urban heat islands, 90, 107–111
use by countries, 10
wind, 144–148, 166–167 Environmental lapse rate (ELR), 71, 86,
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA),
81, 84 ENVISAT, 32
Eocene Epoch, 349
Eolian processes, 516–525
Eons, 348–349
Ephemeral lake, 474, 476
Ephemeral plants, 660
Ephemeral streams, 460–461, 474, 476 Epicentre, 402
Epipedon, 582
Epochs, geologic time scale, 348–349 Equal area, 27–28
atmospheric circulation, 156–157 convergent lifting, 210, 211 daylength, 52
Earth’s rotational speed, 55 energy budget, 102–103 insolation, 50–51
latitude, 20–21
net radiation values, 106 subsolar point, 43 temperature patterns, 123
Equatorial air masses (E), 208–209
Equatorial currents, 164, 165
Equatorial low pressure, 153, 155
Equatorial tropopause, 67, 70, 71
Equatorial zone, 21–22
Equilibrium, 13–14, 539, 542. See also Feedback Equinox, 43, 50–51, 55–59, 106
Eras, 348–349 Erg, 520–525, 521 Erosion
coastal systems, 308, 495, 505–507, 508 defined, 345
denudation, 424–428
floods and river management, 478–484 glaciers, 541–547
isostatic adjustments, 354
ocean waves, 308, 501–505 orogenesis, 394, 400
sedimentary processes, 357–360, 361 soil erosion, 579–582
streams, 462–465, 468–473 synclinal ridge, 390–391 vs. weathering, 424
wind processes, 516–525
Escarpment, 392, 393, 472–473, 474
Esker, 548, 550
Estuaries, 475, 478, 516 Eurasian-Himalayan mountain system, 395,
400, 401
Eurasian Plate, 368, 391–392, 394
Eurasia Plate, 396
Eurekan orogeny, 400
European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica
(EPICA), 313 Eustace, Alan, 65
Eustasy, 243 Eutrophication, 626–627 Evaporation
Earth’s climate system, 279 energy balance, 101, 102
feedback system, 321
heat index, 136–138
humidity, 140, 186–190
hydrologic cycle, 244–246
land-water heating differences, 124–129 latent heat of (LE), 106–107
water, phase changes, 183–186
water budget, 246–251 Evaporation fog, 198
Evaporation pan, 247 Evaporimeter, 247
Evaporites, 360, 361 Evapotranspiration, 244–251, 291 Evolution, 66, 628–634 Exfoliation, 432
Exogenic systems, 16, 345, 348, 376–377, 426–427 Exoskeletons, 311–313
Exosphere, 66
Exotic terranes, 370–371, 389
Extinctions, 13–14, 349, 630–631, 634 Extratropical cyclone, 216–220
Extreme weather events, 327–328
Extrusive igneous rock, 355–357
Exxon Valdez oil spill, 496–497
Eyewall, tropical cyclones, 228, 229 Eyjafjallajökull eruption, 15, 19, 160, 346, 410
Fahrenheit (F) scale, 119–120 Faults
continental crust formation, 389 earthquake comparative analysis, 406–407 faulting, crust deformation, 390–394,
395, 396
faulting, types of, 368–369, 392–394 mechanics of, 404–405, 408
Queen Charlotte fault, 404–405 river dams and, 453
carbon-climate feedback, 321–323 climate feedbacks, 320–324 feedback loops, overview, 12–13 greenhouse effect, 307
ocean and air temperature, 126 permafrost thawing and, 554 sunlight and ice (albedo), 91 water-vapour feedback, 321
Feldspar, 355, 357, 358, 434 Felsic igneous rocks, 357 Felsic lava, 411–412 Fertilizers, 612–613 Fibrosis, 80
Field capacity, 249
Fiji Plate, 368
Fire-adapted ecosystems, 624–625 Fires, 73, 116, 135, 144, 623–625 Firn, 535, 539, 542
Fisheries, 168–170
Fitzroy River, Australia, 169–170 Fjords, 544–547
Flat maps, projection and, 26–30 Flood basalts, 411, 412–413 Floods
Australia, 169–170
Canada, 266
climate change and, 329
economic cost of, 207, 480–481, 483 flash flood, 461
floodplains, 473, 475, 476, 478, 479, 482, 483–484
frequency calculations, 486 hurricanes and, 233–235
river management and, 478–484 sediments in, 464
Flowstones, 439–440
Fluid extraction and injection, 405, 408
Fluorine (F), 74, 330–331 Fluvial, defined, 454. See also
Rivers; Streams
Fluvial deposition, 473–478, 479, 549 Fog, 180, 181, 187–190, 197–199, 200 Foggara, 474, 476
Fóhn (foehn) winds, 183, 212 Folding, crust deformation, 390–394,
395, 396 Foliated rock, 361, 362
Food chains and webs, 613, 616–619 Footprint, concept of, 10–11 Foraminifera, 311–313
climate change, 335–337 earthquakes, 408–410 volcanoes, 416–417 weather, 217–220
Foreland Belt, 370–371 Foreshock, earthquake, 402 Forests
acid deposition, 78–79
albedos, 96
biome classification, 644
boreal and montane forests, 655–657 as carbon sinks, 321, 322–323, 612 climate change and, 605 deforestation, 323, 604, 648–649, 651,
ecosystem stability, 12, 629
midlatitude broadleaf and mixed forest,
redwood forests, 180
restoration efforts, 571
subarctic climates, 293
temperate rain forest, 657–658
tropical rain forest biome, 647–653 wildfires, 73, 76, 85, 116, 135, 139, 144,
623–627 Fossil aquifers, 261
Fossil fuels
air pollution, 76, 79–80, 82–83, 85 climate change and, 308–310
fracking, 264–265
global carbon budget and, 321, 322–323 global emissions data, 69, 322 permafrost thaw and, 332–333, 554
Fossils, 310–311, 315–316, 363 Fracking, 264–265, 405, 408
Fractional scale, 26
Fraser River, 476, 478, 491
Freeze-thaw, soil creep and, 444, 446 Freezing, water phases, 119, 183–186 Freshwater, 166–167, 243–244, 253–256.
See also Lakes; Rivers
Friction force, 150–151, 426–427, 441–447 Fringing reefs, 514
Frontal lifting, 209, 212–216
Fronts, 279, 284, 285–287
Frost, 183–186, 187, 430–431, 551–554.
See also Permafrost Fujita Scale, 225, 226
Fumaroles, 371, 378 Fungi, 577
Fusion, 45
Gamma rays, 48, 71–72 Ganges River, 474, 478 Geiger, Rudolph, 277 Gelifluction, 553
Gene pool, 628–634
General circulation models (GCMs), 335 Genesis and Rapid Intensification Processes
(GRIP), 228
Genetic classification, climate, 277
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