Page 740 - Geosystems An Introduction to Physical Geography 4th Canadian Edition
P. 740
I-6 Index
Geographic information systems (GIS), 6, 7, 21, 33–37
Geographic zones, 21–22 Geography, overview of, 5–10 Geoid, 19–20
Geological time scale, 10, 348–350 Geologic cycle, 375–377
Geology, defined, 348
Geomagnetic reversal, 354–355 Geomorphic belts, Canada, 370–371 Geomorphic threshold, 425, 426–427, 428 Geomorphology, 348. See also Weathering Geostationary Operational Environmental
Satellites (GOES), 32, 33 Geostationary orbits, 31
Geostrophic winds, 151 Geosystems in Action
adiabatic heating and cooling, 192
air pollution, 82–83
atmospheric circulation, 156–157
coastal dead zones, 614–615 Earth-atmosphere energy balance, 100–101 Earth’s climate system, 278–279
Earth-sun relationships, 56–57
earth systems, overview, 16–18 geologic cycle, 376–377
glaciers as dynamic systems, 542–543 global carbon budget, 322–323 groundwater, 258–259
heatwaves, 120, 121
hillslopes as open systems, 426–427 midlatitude cyclones, 218–219 orogenesis (mountain building), 398–399 rain forests and deforestation, 652–653 soil, biological activity in, 577
Geothermal energy, 370–373, 378, 412 Geovisualization, 36
Geyser, 371, 372–373, 378, 411
Gield capacity, 248–249
Glacial age, 311, 317–318, 524–525, 553–558 Glacial drift, 547–550
Glacial lake sediments, 316
Arctic and Antarctic regions, 558–561 glacial ice, formation of, 535
glacial landforms, 544–550
glacial processes, 538–544
ice cores from, 312–313, 314
mass balance, 539–540, 543, 563 melting of, 243, 254, 325–326, 327,
periglacial landscapes, 550–555 plant life, 644
Pleistocene Epoch, 553–558 surface water resources, 254 temperature and altitude, 123 types of, 535–538, 539
weight on Earth’s crust, 353
Glacio-eustatic factors, 243 Glaciofluvial processes, 549
Gleysation, soils, 582
Gleysolic order, soils, 585, 588, 592, 599 Global circulation, 51, 103
Global Climate Observing System, 122 Global dimming, 97–98
Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment
(GEWEX), 124
Global Hawk aircraft, 76, 228
Global Positioning Systems (GPS), 30–31
earthquake monitoring, 404–405 ionosphere and, 72
landslide monitoring, 442 magnetic poles, movement of, 347 Mount Everest elevation, 386 overview of, 6
topography data, 384
Global warming. See Climate change Globe, map projections, 26–30
Gneiss, 362
Gnomonic projection, 28–29
Gobi Desert, 297, 298
Goldfinger, Chris, 409
Graben, 394, 396
Graded streams, 469, 472–473
Gradient, 459
Grand Canyon, United States, 348, 465 Granite, 352, 355, 356, 357, 362, 432, 434 Granular disintegration, 434
Graphic scale, 26
Gravel, 359
Gravitational water, 246, 249
Gravity, 66–67
air, 190–194
atmospheric circulation and, 148 defined, 45
exfoliation, 432
hillslopes, 426–427
isostasy and, 353
landform development and, 449 mass-movement processes, 441–447 tides, 498, 499–501
Gravity drainage winds, 162–163 Great Barrier Reef, 13, 514
Great Basin, United States, 297, 298 Great Blue Hole, 448
Great circles, longitude, 23
Great Lakes, 209, 210, 253, 254, 554, 557, 613,
632–633, 634
Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Platform, 356
Great Rift Valley, 367, 394
Greenhouse effect, 97–101, 134–139, 307, 320,
321, 612 Greenhouse gases
carbon-climate feedback, 321–323 climate change causes, 328–335 defined, 98
Earth’s climate history, 313–315 ice-core data, 315
increase of, 71, 296, 307, 332–333 Kyoto Protocol, 337–338
water vapour as, 186
Greenhouse increment, 113
Greenland, ice sheet melting, 5, 13, 91, 533,
534, 538, 544, 559–561 Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), 24–25 Groins, 510
Gros Morne National Park, 359, 444 Gross domestic product (GDP), 10 Ground heating and cooling, 106–107 Ground ice, 551
Ground-level ozone, 77
Ground moraine, 548
Groundwater. See also Water
alluvial fans, 474, 476 distribution on Earth, 243–244 hydrologic cycle, 16–17 measurement of, 256
mining of, 261, 262–263 overuse of, 242, 260–263, 268 overview of, 256–260 pollution of, 262–265
Growing degree-days (GDD), 303 Guanan Shield, 387–388
Gulf Stream, 126, 164, 165–168 Gullies, 455
Gutenberg discontinuity, 351 Gyres, 143, 163–165
Habitat, 619–627, 634, 644, 646. See also Terrestrial biomes
Hadean Eon, 349
Hadley cells, 153, 155, 156–157 Haeckel, Ernst, 606
Hail, 223–224
Hair hygrometer, 189–190
Halogenated gases, 329, 330–331 Hanging valleys, 544, 546
Hanging wall, 392, 393
Harden, Carol, 10
Hawaiian-Emperor Islands, 371, 374–375 Hawaiian High, 155
Haze, 80–81, 83, 95, 97–98
Headlands, 503
Headward erosion, 463
Heat. See also Temperature
in atmosphere, 69–70, 209–216 energy-balance, overview, 92–93, 100–101 greenhouse effect, 98–101
land-water heating differences, 124–129 latent heat, 184–186
radioactive elements, 350
surface energy budget, 104–107 temperature and, 119
tropical cyclones, 226–235
urban heat islands, 107–111
water, phase changes and, 183–186
Heat index, 136–139
Heating degree-days (HDD), 303 Heat stress, 136–139
Heat waves, 136–139, 329
Heezen, Bruce, 382
Herbivores, 617–619
Hess, Harry H., 363, 365 Heterosphere, 67
Heterotrophs, 609–610
High Earth orbits, 31
Highland climates, 277, 295
High Plains Aquifer, 260, 262–263 High tablelands, 385–386
Hills, topographic region, 385–386 Hillslopes
gelifluction and colifluction, 553 Human Denominator, 448 mass-movement processes, 441–447 as open systems, 426–427
Himalayan Mountains, 30, 91, 160–162, 349, 364, 396, 397, 398–399
Hinge, 390–391
Holocene Epoch, 349, 350 Homosphere, 67–69
Hoodoos, 425
Hooke, R. L., 447
Horn, 544, 545
Horse latitudes, 155
Horst, 394, 396
Hot, humid continental climates, 289 Hot spots, 369, 370–373, 392, 411 Hot springs, 260, 378
Howard, Luke, 194
Human denominator, 10
Human geography, 7
Human interactions
air pollution, overview, 82–83 anthropogenic biomes, 665–666 atmosphere, 84–85, 112, 200, 344–345 climate change, 302, 328–335, 340 ecosystems and biodiversity, 635 energy flows, 18
glaciers and permafrost, 553, 555, 562 global circulation, 172
global temperature, 139
induced seismicity, 405, 408
oceans, coasts, and dunes, 510, 526
oil spills, 496–497
overview, 6, 8, 10–11
response to temperature trends, 134–139 rivers, floodplains, and deltas, 479, 482, 485 scarification, 423–424, 446–447
soils, 568, 579–582, 600
solar energy and the seasons, 59 tectonics, 378, 418
water use, 269