Page 1 - LG Spring Newsletter 2023
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                                                                    LANSDOWNE NEWS


                                     By Jason Dick

          Spring is in the air, and it’s been three long years since
          COVID-19 arrived on our shores. Masks have now come
          off to show our bright and smiling faces to our residents!
          All residents when asked, were happy for staff to remove
          masks. Some have never known our staff’s faces, plus
          the muffled voices behind the masks were always a          Elise celebrated her 104th birthday
          challenge for our residents and staff. With 50% of
          Australian aged care residents having a form of hearing
          impairment, the combination of mask-muffled voices
          and a lack of visual facial cues continued to impede our
          communication. We will always continue to monitor risks
          and manage changes, and our staff continue to Rapid
          Antigen test prior to providing care. Masks will be
          reintroduced if the risk of an outbreak occurs.
          Looking back at feedback, we have changed our laundry
          process for new clothing labelling. Please hand clothing
          that needs labelling directly to Donna on weekdays and
          Emily on weekends. After-hours, a labelling basket will
          be placed at Reception for unlabelled clothes to be
          dropped with instructions. A laundry form will be placed
          at Reception that will require filling prior to dropping to
          Reception, when staffed/unstaffed. I ask that new
          clothes only go to Reception and not care or laundry staff
          directly, and please don’t hang unlabelled clothes in
          loved ones' wardrobes or drawers. Clothes are precious
          and costly, and we need to mitigate the frustrations of
          missing clothes by all working together.                   Faye on one of our bus outings

          Jason Dick, Director of Care Services, Manns Avenue
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