Page 6 - LG Spring Newsletter 2023
P. 6


          Meet our Resident
          Denis Pearson

          Richard is known as DENNIS and prefers to be
          addressed as such. He came to us from Mosman
          where his wife, Barbara still lives. Dennis and
          Barbara have four children, David, Catherine,
          Melissa and Rebecca (who can also be contacted
          for support). They have twelve grandchildren.
          Dennis has a carer/friend, Jesse, who comes
          each day at lunchtime and stays until late
          Dennis lived in the USA as a university student
          and lived in the UK as a young engineer.

          In Sydney his first project was an iconic 8 shaped
          apartment block in Manly where he lived for
          some time. He went on to be responsible for
          many iconic buildings in Sydney and was an
          instrumental engineer in the construction of the
          Opera House, the AMP building and many other
          well-known buildings.
          He has travelled extensively in the UK, the USA
          and Europe.
          Dennis did volunteer work for Rotary,
          particularly on projects for Royal North Shore
          Hospital for which he and Barbara have been
          great donors.                                         For The Diary
          He enjoyed golf, tennis, rugby, attending Rotary
          and playing cards, specifically Cribbage, a            Date                 Event
          pastime he still loves to play.
                                                                3 September      Father’s Day
          Today he enjoys watching golf and rugby on
          television. He likes problem solving and              1 October        Daylight Savings Starts
          mathematical equations.

          Balmoral is a special happy place for Dennis and      6 October        Grand Kids Day
          Jesse often takes him there. Jesse also takes him
          to visit the Opera House periodically.                31 October       Halloween

          His favourite food is ice cream.
                                                                7 November       Melbourne Cup Day
          Dennis' family describes him as a calm, witty,
          gentle soul who has a strong social justice
                                                                11 November      Remembrance Day
          compass He was an important mentor to many
          in the engineering industry.                                           Pets on the Lawn – Wycombe
                                                                17 November      Road
                                                                                 Pets on the Lawn – Manns
                                                                24 November      Avenue
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