Page 7 - LG Spring Newsletter 2023
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         Leisure & Lifestyle Update
                                                                   Happy Birthday

          The past three months have been full of fun and
          activity. In July we celebrated Bastille day with a      We wish the following residents
          fabulous Trio, Viva, whose singer was from France, we    a very happy birthday!
          watched French movies and catering served us a
          special Beef Bourguignon.
          We have a wonderful time singing with St Thomas’s         September
          Church Choir, Fiona Maria’s Singing Group, Eileen        2 September         David
          Russel and other entertainers who play the old
          favourites that we know and love.                        4 September         Maureen
          In music therapy we have Jenni our harpist play
          fortnightly and now we have the Lucy and Brian Duo       7 September         Eva
          who play to Camelia on a monthly basis. We have
          some incredible emerging artists come to play for us,    21 September        Lynette
          some have been outstanding and brought our love of
          classical music to the fore.                             29 September        Nola
          We keep fit with our regular exercises, Better Balance
          Class with our physio, Amita, Dance Therapy with          October
          Pamela from Dance Alliance and Falls Prevention          26 October          Grace
          Classes with Avi. As well as walking with staff around
          the grounds for fresh air and sunshine.                   November

          Ivan, our bus driver takes us on amazing trips to Sans
                                                                   8 November          Ethelle
          Sousi, Botany Bay, Dobroyd Pont, Centennial Park,
          Davidson Park, Roseville, Glebe Point Park and many      8 November          Moira
          other sites in this glorious city of ours.
          We enjoy weekly visits from our pet therapy program,     12 November         Nannette
          Delta Dogs with Debbie bringing in our beloved
          Golden Retrievers, Mr D’Arcy and Jack. Some relatives    16 November         Frances
          share their wonderful pets with us from time to time
          as well.                                                 19 November         Margaret W.
          In weekly art therapy with Mim we have fantastic         29 November         Vivian
          sessions where we paint to quiet relaxing music and
          are so proud of our accomplishments. In conjunction      30 November         Marjorie
          with Mim we hope to have an Art Exhibition later in
          the year so you can all come in and view our
          proficient work.
          Our amazing, resident, Elise turned 104 years old     I am moving to a new position at Wycombe Road
          recently and she is still as sharp as a tack! You may   after two years at Lansdowne Gardens, starting in
          have read stories about her in the local papers. Happy   the dreadful days of the pandemic, which are
          Birthday Elise!                                       thankfully behind us.
          From the beginning of September there will be a new   I have really enjoyed meeting every one of you and
          line-up of staff in the Leisure & Lifestyle Team.     will miss our chats. I wish everyone well and if you
                                                                ever pass Wycombe Road Residence, pop in and say
          Dyhanne Dean is the new Coordinator
                                                                Hello, I will be in Reception
          Lilibeth the Monday – Friday Lifestyle Officer

          Sharon and Chiyoko – Saturday Lifestyle Officers
          Chiyoko – Sunday – Lifestyle Officer                  Leisure & Lifestyle Coordinator
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