Page 5 - LG Spring Newsletter 2023
P. 5


             Lamb Shank Pie

                                                                       What’s Cooking

                                                                       With Ashley, Group Executive Chef
             • 1kg boneless lamb shank meat,
                trimmed & cut into 1-2cm dice        METHOD
             • 1 small carrot, peeled & finely diced  1.  Add the lamb, herbs and spices to a large bowl.
             • 5 x golden shallots, peeled & finely   2.  Grind in black or white pepper and add in a splash of olive oil.
                diced                                3.  Mix thoroughly. Cover and set aside.
             • ½ a celery stick, finely diced        4.  Place a saucepan over medium heat and add a small amount of
             • ½ leek, finely diced                      oil to coat the pan.
             • 1 tbsp tomato paste                   5.  Add in the lamb piece by piece, and sear evenly on all sides (do
             • 1 tbsp freshly chopped rosemary           this in batches if necessary).
                leaves (dried is ok)                 6.  Set the seared lamb aside and return the pan to the heat with oil.
             • 2 tsp dried mint                      7.  Add in the vegetables with a pinch of salt and stir well.
             • 1 tsp mixed spice                     8.  Sweat with little to no colour until they soften (6-7 minutes)
             • 1 tsp ground cumin                        stirring regularly.
             • 1 tbsp garlic, minced                 9.  Add in the flour, garlic and tomato paste; stir well to incorporate,
             • ¼ cup dry sherry or white wine            being careful not to burn.
             • 2 tbsp besan/chickpea flour           10. After 2 minutes, add the sherry/wine; bring to the boil and add
             • 1 tsp mint jelly                          the mint jelly.
             • 1 cup chicken or beef stock           11. Simmer for 5 minutes to reduce the liquid to a syrup.
             • Salt + pepper to taste.               12. Add the stock and the lamb including the juices, to the pan;
             • Olive oil                                 return to a simmer. If the mix is too thick, add a little water.
                                                     13. Pour the mix into a casserole dish and cover with baking paper
                                                         and a lid/cover. Bake at 160°C for 1 hour.
                                                     14. Remove from oven. Allow to sit for approx. 5 minutes; skim off
                                                         any excess oil with a ladle or spoon. Season with salt and pepper.
      This recipe makes approx. 10 -12               15. Transfer the mix to a container and refrigerate for at least 1 hour
        individual pastry pies or one                    to allow the mix to set.
      large casserole dish topped with               16. When ready, distribute the pie mix into the individual molds, pie
                                                         cases or baking dish you have selected to use. Cook on low
       mash would happily feed 6 – 8
                                                         (150°C) for approx. 1-1.25 hours, increasing the heat at the end
      adults. Serve with your favourite
                                                         to brown the top. For pastry, 40-45 minutes at 170°C usually
         accompaniments. Chips are
                                                         gives a lovely consistent browning of the pastry.
           always a winner! Enjoy!
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