Page 4 - LG Newsletter Winter 2021 Final
P. 4


           Health & Wellbeing
          The Benefits of Pet Therapy

          You’ve most likely heard the saying “dogs are a    According to a study published in the Japanese
          man’s best friend,” but dogs and other pets alike   Psychogeriatric Journal, pet therapy improved
          can often do much more for a person’s health than  depressive symptoms in residents in a long-term
          just being a great companion. Aged care            facility by 50%. Participants also experienced an
          residences, retirement villages and hospitals can   overall improved self-perceived quality of life.
          benefit from regular visits from animals trained to
          offer support and companionship to people in an    Another study concluded that all participants with
          unfamiliar or stressful environment through pet    dementia experienced a significant increase in pro-
          therapy.                                           social behaviour and a decrease in behavioural
                                                             disturbances during the interaction with the dog.
          Pet therapy, also known as Animal Assisted
          Therapy (AAT), is a treatment aimed at improving   Pets also play an important role in helping
          an individual’s overall health and wellbeing       individuals recover from loss. Elderly people who
          through consistent interaction with an animal.  Pet  have recently lost a spouse or family member can
          therapy benefits both children and adults and has   greatly benefit from the companionship of an
          been proven to elevate mood and decrease           animal, as it can provide comfort during times of
          loneliness.                                        grief.

          The first formal research into pet therapy began in  A study conducted in Germany involving therapy
          the 1960s and it has become an increasingly        dogs found that residents living with dementia had
          popular form of treatment for people with          improved verbal communication function and
          disabilities, mental illness, chronic diseases,    greater attentiveness after completing the
          dementia and people living in aged care residences  program. The group who had spent time with the
          or in hospital.                                    animals reported feeling “interested,”
                                                             “enthusiastic” and “inspired” significantly more
          Depending on the needs of the individual, pet      than those who did not spend time with the pets.
          therapy may involve adopting an animal, taking
          part in a community therapy animal program, or     Each of our residences, receive regular visits from
          participating in sessions at an aged care residence.  animals as part of our Leisure and Lifestyle
          Animal interaction can promote a sense of          Program to help improve mood and decrease
          belonging, love and appreciation and can be a      stress. Some of the animals used for pet therapy
          great source of companionship for individuals      that visit us include dogs and a recent visit with
          feeling isolated. Pet therapy provides a wide range  horse therapy.
          of benefits to patients both physically and
          mentally.                                                                          Source: IRT Group
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