Page 6 - LG Newsletter Winter 2021 Final
P. 6
Meet Glory Barnett
Glory Susannah Barnett (nee Nelson) was born in Glory was fortunate in having the opportunity to
Coonabarabran, country NSW in May 1920. She travel and she loved every minute. After
was the second daughter of five girls, her family returning from one of her Italian travels she
moved to suburban Willoughby when she was learned to speak Italian and wanted to be called
about eight years old. 'Nonna' however her grandchildren converted
Nonna to 'Nonnie’.
Her youth was spent exploring Northbridge and
Castlecrag with her neighbourhood friends, Glory has always had a passion for books and a
walking through the Chinese gardens in thirst for knowledge, she would do crosswords
Castlecrag and swimming in Northbridge baths. and sudoku every morning. She has an interest in
Her family home was filled with music and her all sport, especially sailing and a strong interest in
parents were opera lovers and this was her politics.
introduction to the love of opera. She would
regularly attend opera at the Town Hall and later Glory has two daughters, five grandchildren and
the Opera House. eight great grandchildren and they all love their
Nonnie. Her beloved Bill died in 2018 at age 102.
On a visit to Luna Park in 1942 with her mother
and sisters she was introduced to William (Bill) Glory moved into Lansdowne Gardens four years
Henry Barnett and they married in 1944. They ago. Glory celebrated her 101st birthday
built their home in McMahons Point on the surrounded by her proud family. On behalf of
shores of Berry's Bay and remained in their Lansdowne Gardens, we wish you a very special
beloved home for 74 years. Glory was Bill's 101 happy birthday, Glory!
support team all through their marriage, he built
a busy, successful business and she was his
secretary and bookkeeper. She was especially
proud of Bill when he was awarded an OAM for
his service to the boat building industry as a
designer and craftsman and to the sport of