Page 4 - BG Spring Newsletter 2023
P. 4


          Health & Wellbeing

          Improving Resident Wellbeing with Holistic Nurses

          There’s plenty of discussion about the need for      to improve wellbeing, with pain medication offered
          nursing staff in aged care right now, and it’s       if holistic measure are ineffective.
          entirely valid. But whilst there’s no doubting the   Holistic Nurses also focus on hydration or residents’
          additional demand for qualified nurses to deliver    eating habits, particularly in cases where an
          medical care to residents around the clock, there’s   individual may refuse to eat, sharing their
          another nursing function which is incredibly         techniques with care staff to deliver better long-
          important…but often overlooked.                      term outcomes – for staff and residents.
          Holistic nursing.                                    By taking the time to delve into a resident’s personal

          Cranbrook Care added the new role of Holistic Nurse  background, Holistic Nurses may discover insights
          to our care team at Bayswater Gardens earlier this   which can encourage improve emotional wellbeing
          year, and the impact has significant, and inspiring.    by engaging a resident’s interests and inspiring them
          Pain isn’t always physical nor acute in nature. Pain   to participate more in the activities on offer. For
          can stem from emotional distress leading to          instance, a Holistic Nurse may encourage a
          agitation and distress. It can stem from chronic     wheelchair-bound resident who once enjoyed
                                                               dancing to clap her hands or tap her feet to her
          conditions. It can result from diminishing physical
          strength and fitness. And that’s where Holistic      favourite music; or may accompany a resident who
          Nursing comes in.                                    enjoyed gardening on a tour of the garden to smell
                                                               and admire flowers and discover the different plants
          Holistic Nurses play an incredibly valuable role     in the landscape, or the pair may sit together and
          helping residents manage pain and supporting their   look at photographs of plants and flowers to
          overall wellbeing, whist freeing up time for
                                                               stimulate memory and re-ignite a passion.
          Registered Nursing and care staff. Currently, we have
          a Holistic Nurse available at every residence        Yes, these may sound like small things, but the
          particularly at identified times of heightened need   impact can be huge.
          and potential distress, such as the late afternoon.   Looking ahead, we plan to further upskill our Holistic
          Whether offering therapeutic massage, heat           Nurses in areas including massage, palliative care,
          therapies, managing pain medications, facilitating   and behavioural and emotional support. By investing
          strengthening exercise programs, or spending one-    in improving residents’ wellbeing without
          on-one time with residents, our Holistic Nurses have   automatically reaching for additional medication, we
          proved to be a wonderful asset to our residents and   are genuinely supporting their overall health and
          our broader care teams.                              quality of life. And there’s nothing more important.
          Holistic Nurses initially take a non-pharmacological   Of course, as a new program, there will no doubt be
          approach, tailoring treatment to each resident’s     changes as we progress, but in the meantime, we
          condition, and using techniques such as therapeutic   are proud to support the overall wellbeing of our
          massage, heat therapy, exercise, and companionship   residents by expanding our teams to set a new
                                                               industry benchmark for clinical excellence and care.
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