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Truly transformative work                             Bountiful Blessings

            The  importance  of  home  is  universal  —  and  it’s  Our donors and partners — many featured in this
            why  so  many  people  have  been  inspired  to  make  report  —  are  among  the  bountiful  blessings  that
            Habitat  for  Humanity’s  mission  their  own.         Habitat for Humanity celebrates.
            Through gifts of time and talent and the raising of
            walls  and  funds,  volunteers,  donors,  advocates,   Thank  you  for  everything  you  make  possible.
            staff, and partners have carried the work forward      Thank  you  for  the  work  you  help  us  plan  for,
            to  ensure  that  every  family  in  every  community  complete,  and  celebrate.  Thank  you  for  helping
            can  achieve  the  foundation  of  a  healthy  and     families  build  and  improve  places  to  call  home,
            stable home.                                           assisting  residents  in  fostering  equitable  and
                                                                   sustainable communities, and helping amplify and
            Diversity,  equity,  and  inclusion  are  central  and  advance  our  shared  message  that  everyone
            imperative  for  Habitat  for  Humanity.  We  believe  deserves  a  decent  place  to  live.  With  your
            in  a  world  where  everyone  deserves  a  decent     financial  support,  our  work  continues.  We  are
            place  to  live,  no matter who  we  are  or  where  we  grateful for your partnership and commitment.
            come  from.  And  we  recognize  that  to  create  this
            world, our work must always break down barriers,       In Him,
            bring  people  of  all  backgrounds  together,  and
            generate  equity,  respect,  and  lasting  change.  Our
            work  must  help  create  what  Dr.  Martin  Luther
            King  Jr.  called  “the  Beloved  Community,”  a
            community  that  includes  diversity  and  allows  for
            tension    undergirded   by    love   leading   to
            transformation.  We  were  built  for  this  moment.
            We  build  homes,  communities,  and  hope  and
            actively  advocate  for  the  rights  of  all  people  to
            have  equitable  access  to  decent,  affordable       Celeste  H. Cox       Steve Lauten
                                                                   Habitat Leadership Team

            Board of Directors                                     Celeste H. Cox, President and CEO
                                                                   Gary Garza, COO

            Steve Lauten, Chair                                    Ruthie Drye, CFO
            Hunter Lord, Vice Chair                                James Donaldson, Construction Director
            Greg Stiebling, Treasurer                              Doug Fair, Philanthropy Manager
            Jason Mahoney, Assistant Treasurer                     Josh Glory, Construction Manager
            John Williams, Secretary                               Kavanski Morrison, Director of ReStores
            Diane McDonald, Assistant Secretary                    Dawn Serr, Family Services Manager
            Christine Besset
            Marc Dunham
            Danita Grant-Pea
            Michael Herman
            Robert Manley III
            Renae' Ollie
            Larry Pietenpol
            Latrice Roberts
            Traci Rodd
            Darrell Taylor
            Cametra Thompson
            Robin Joesph-Williams
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