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N.M. Garz  on-Barrero et al. / International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 115 (2016) 266e276  269
          double faced carbon conductive tape, and the micrographs were  2.2.7. Evaluation of mechanical and physical properties
          obtained by backscattered electron image (BSE) using an acceler-  After 12 months of exposure, an evaluation of mechanical
          ated tension of 15 kV, at a work distance between 5.0 and 5.7 mm.  properties of modulus of rupture (MOR) and modulus of elasticity
                                                               (MOE) under three-point bending test was performed on the par-
          2.2.5. Image recording by digital scanner            ticle boards (BCP and MDP), with the goal of identifying the critical
            Recordings of the test samples were performed by an HP Pho-  mechanical support characteristics of the material subjected to
          tosmart Plus scanner for both materials before the mold growth  natural exposure. After the exposure time the test samples were
          tests and after 7, 14, 21, 28 days of exposure to accelerated test. For  stored at 20 C in an environment of 65% relative humidity for one

          the samples submitted to the natural aging test, images were ac-  week. The equipment used for the mechanical test was the uni-
          quired by the digital scanner after 12 months of exposure.  versal test machine EMIC, model DL30000, following the recom-
                                                               mendations of the (ABNT NBR 14810-3, 2006) Brazilian Standard
          2.2.6. Statistical analysis of mold fungi colonization  (major span equal to 220 mm and test speed equal to 7 mm/min).
            Statistical analysis was performed for two scenarios. Initially a  Six replicates were analyzed for each material. The thickness re-
          comparative analysis of fungal colonization induced by natural  sidual swelling of the specimens was measured in five different
          exposure and by the accelerated test was performed using a  points along each side of the specimen using a digital caliper, ac-
          regression model for the described data. Following this, a longitu-  cording to ASTM D 1037 (2006) Standards. This measure was per-
          dinal analysis of mold colonization in different periods during the  formed before and after natural exposure aging and accelerated
          accelerated test was performed.                      mold growth test. After that, statistical study was conducted by the
                                                               SAS program, version 9.3 for the variation analysis (factorial
 Regression model for described data for comparative analysis  ANOVA) for the following sources of variation: material (BCP and
          of mold growth by natural and accelerated exposure. The variable  MDP), surface (coated and non-coated), and fungal growth test
          response analyzed in this experiment (degree of colonization) is a  (accelerated and natural). To evaluate the effects of the means an F
          polytomous, multi categorical and ordinal variable, that is, it can  test was adopted with a significance level of 0.05.
          add values in the set {0, 1, 2, …, 8, 9, 10} and is influenced by: a) the
          type of material (BCP and MDP), b) the castor oil based poly-
          urethane resin surface (coated or non-coated), c) test sample face  3. Results and discussion
          (front or back surface related to natural exposure; face 1 and 2
          related to accelerated exposure), and d) the type of exposure  3.1. Mold growth in natural weathering
          (natural or accelerated aging) in mutually exclusive categories. Data
          of this nature are referred to as discrete and cannot be treated in the  After 12 months of exposure, some superficial changes were
          analysis as continuous variables and, for this reason, the proper  observed in relation to the surface appearance such as, loss of
          analysis applied a regression model for discrete data (Agresti,  brightness, darkening, loss of color uniformity, and mold growth;
          2012).                                               the identification of fungal species was not the objective of the
            To indicate the degree of fungal colonization in the materials,  current study.
          the Proportional Odds Model (POM) was used, which is a multi-  Table 1 presents the results according to the grades established
          variate extension of the Generalized Linear Models (McCullagh,  for the degree of colonization visualized in each test sample, the
          1980), and it allows the estimation of probabilities associated  BCP and MDP materials, after 12 months of exposure to natural
          with each of the response categories.                weathering. The grades obtained after 12 months in the materials
                                                               are lower on the front face in relation to the back face indicating for
 Longitudinal analysis of mold colonization in the accelerated  both materials a greater degree of colonization on the sides directly
          test. In the accelerated test (ASTM D 3273-12, 2012), a longitudinal  exposed to the weathering degradation agents.
          evaluation of mold growth in the specimens was performed after 7,
          14, 21, and 28 days on each of the faces (1 and 2). In these situations,  d. Mold growth in accelerated test (ASTM D 3273-12, 2012)
          a possible dependency between the observations must still be
          considered (as the observations were treated on the same test  Fig. 2 represents the effect of exposure time on the BCP and MDP
          sample over time). Ignoring this correlation when it actually exists,
          could lead to distortions in the standard errors of the model co-
                                                               Table 1
          efficients, which are also indicators of analysis accuracy. Thus, an  Mold growth based on evaluation grades from the ASTM D 3273-12, 2012 Standard,
          alternative to consider this dependency is to incorporate the  after 12 months of natural weather exposure in Pirassununga, SP Brazil.
          random effect in the model, i.e., to adopt the methodology of mixed
                                                                Material  Surface   Colonization rating
          models, which includes within its structure another random term,
          in addition to errors. Accordingly, the correlation between obser-        Front  Back        Front  Back
          vations is the result of this random variable's necessary inclusion,  BCP  Coated  1  0  MDP  0    4
          especially in longitudinal studies. Thus, the marginal probabilities      1     3            0     4
          are determined not only by the fixed effects of covariates, but also       0     3            0     2
                                                                                    0     4            0     4
          by a random component.
                                                                                    0     3            0     2
            The applied technique was the maximum likelihood via squared            0     3            0     3
          Gaussian (Molenberg and Verbeke, 2005). Additionally, the random  Non-coated  1  8           4     4
          effect was evaluated, that is, a test was carried out to check its        1     8            2     4
          statistical significance. In case it was not significant, a fixed effects    1     9            4     5
                                                                                    1     8            3     7
          model was adopted. In this work, both the data analysis and the
                                                                                    1     8            2     5
          model adjustments were performed with the help of the ordinal             1     8            4     7
          package (Christensen, 2011) available in the R software, version
                                                               Rating (degree of colonization) ASTM D 3273-12: 10 (0%); 9(1e10%); 8(11e20%);
          2:14 (R Development Core Team., 2011), and the significance of the  7(21e30%); 6(31e40%); 5(41e50%); 4(51e60); 3(61e70%); 2(71e80%); 1(81e90%);
          adopted tests was a 0.05.                            0(91e100%).
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9