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N.M. Garz  on-Barrero et al. / International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 115 (2016) 266e276  271
          Table 2
          Estimates for the parameters of the proportional chance model of the fungal colonization in the natural exposure and accelerated test (ASTM D 3273-12, 2012).
           Parameter covariants       Estimate          Standard error         Z Value          Descriptive level (p value)
           Material (MDP)             0.1196            0.4238                 0.282            0.7778
           Surface (Non-coated)        4.5618           0.5982                  7.626           <0.001
           Face (Back)                1.6782            0.452                  3.713            <0.001
           Environment (Natural)       0.9301           0.4574                  2.033           0.042

          where there was no precipitation. Scheffer (1991) stated that,  D3273-12 (2012) test. At the end of the 4 weeks of exposure, the
          generally in humid climates, the pieces of wood are less conducive  test samples without surface coating (ncBCP and ncMDP) subjected
          to biodegradation in the occurrence of low temperatures.  to the accelerated test presented between 60% and 80% probability
            The results of the visual inspection also were illustrated by  of obtaining a grade on the evaluation scale of 0 and 1, or rather,
          scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Fig. 4a and Fig. 4b show the  between 81 and 100% colonization by mold. For the natural expo-
          colonization by mold on the surface of the sugarcane particle  sure the weathering effect on the front face was observed, where
          boards with superficial coating (cBCP) and directly exposed to  the colonization probability increased in relation to the back face.
          weathering conditions. Besides the presence of the fungi (arrows),  Both materials with surface coating (cBCP and cMDP) presented
          the front face (Fig. 4a) presents roughness (instead of a smoother  82.6% probability of obtaining a note of 8e9, which corresponds to
          back surface, Fig. 4b), possibly caused by the previously mentioned  less than 20% mold colonization on the surface of the accelerated
          environmental factors.                               test. However it can be seen that a variation in the probabilities is
            Table 3 presents the estimated probabilities by the proportional  larger in the natural weathering test. Therefore, the accelerated
          chance model for the degree of fungal colonization on the sugar-  test, ASTM D3273 12 resulted in a similar pattern as the deterio-
          cane bagasse particle boards (BCP) and on MDP in the two condi-  ration test for 12 months.
          tions evaluated: natural weathering and the accelerated ASTM

          Fig. 4. Micrographs of colonized particle boards by mold fungus under natural exposure e 12 months: cBCP (a) front and (b) back faces. The arrows indicate the presence of fungus.

          Table 3
          Determined probabilities for mold growth interactions between surface coating, face and type of exposition.
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11