Page 6 - Westmounter_FallWinter2020_Digitalv2[Oct2_2020]
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The Westmounter

           site master


           guides A club’s

           future success

                                                                                                                                     challenges, they must have a strategic purpose and          2.   Understand the basic depreciation annual
                                                                                                                                     they must understand their strengths and weaknesses.             cost to be sure they are funded out of
                                                                                                                                     Maintaining a facility of the highest quality begins with        operations. Our Club’s 10-year plan factors
                                                                                                                                     developing a long-term financial model. Mr. McMahon              in funding to be taken from dues to cover
                                                                 will share an update with the membership.
                                                                                                                                     outlines four critical steps that need to happen in this         the depreciation. Essentially, Members
                                                                 In reading one of the industry magazines I receive                  process:                                                         now pay for what they consume.
                                                                 monthly, I could not believe how many of my
                                    A message from               management colleagues at private clubs across North                       1.   Analyze the club’s facilities in the context     3.   Develop a facilities existing condition
                                    Brad Duench,                 America have written about master planning or have                             of following the strategic plan;                      study and report. We had our own
                                    General Manager              started implementing a site master plan. Most of                          2.   Understand the basic depreciation annual              report; however, in 2018 we contracted

                                                                 these clubs are U.S.-based, however, some of the                               cost to be sure they are funded out of                WalterFedy to conduct an independent
                                                                 core foundations of how they created these plans are                           operations;                                           study. We now have a complete document
                                                                 consistent with the process Westmount uses.                                                                                          that includes not only the buildings
                                                                                                                                           3.   Develop a facilities existing condition study         condition study, but also all other ongoing
                                                                 An article by William P. McMahon Sr., Chairperson at                           and report;                                           capital needs.
            One of the key teachings from the                    the McMahon Group—one of the leading golf industry                        4.   Create a 10-year-out financial roadmap           4.   Create a 10-year-out, financial roadmap
                                                                 consulting companies in the United States—peaked
            current pandemic is that no one                      my interest. Sometimes, the information these                                  that identifies future projects and their             that identifies future projects and their cost

            knows what is in store tomorrow.                     consulting firms share is too cookie cutter and not                            accompanying costs to create funding to               so funding can be created in anticipation
                                                                                                                                                                                                      of them. This directly links to the previous
            Despite these uncertainties, future                  specific enough to the club or market where the club                           pay for them.                                         point and our ongoing projects and how—

            planning is still essential.                         is located to really benefit them. However, some of the             When we review these four critical planning tools                and more importantly when—they can
                                                                 strategies McMahon outlined are consistent with my
                                                                                                                                     against what Westmount is doing, we have already
                                                                 beliefs of what clubs should follow and implement to                                                                                 be funded.
            For our Club’s success, this means having a site master                                                                  completed several of these steps.
            plan that guides all our decisions. For the past several   achieve long-term success.                                          1.   Analyze the club’s facilities in the context of   As we plan for Westmount’s future, there is still a lot of
            years, Westmount’s Board and management team         Mr. McMahon writes about “The Simple Capital                                   following the strategic plan. Westmount   work ahead, but overall, from a planning perspective,
            have been working through the strategic-planning     Modeling Process.” This process begins with a club                             updates our strategic plan regularly,     our Club is in good shape thanks to the work of the
            process. The pandemic put this work temporarily on   understanding its purpose, who it serves, and what                             which takes into account our facilities. The   Finance Committee, the Site Master Plan Task Force,
            hold, but we returned to the development of this plan   programs and facilities they need to fulfill members’                       Board will review this document again in   the Facilities & Property Committee as well as our
            in late July. A lot of work has been completed and we   expectations. Before clubs tackle any facilities’                           November.                                 Board of Directors.

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