Page 6 - RISE_JUNE_2024
P. 6

In this world, in life’s long tapestry,

                            There’s so much to be grateful about,

                         A shelter to shield in adverse conditions,

                     And grain on your dish, we can’t do without.

                     First and foremost is our well-being's wealth,

                    Thankfulness for family and friends' support,

                     The knowledge found in books, in education,

                       And the doorway to technology’s comfort.

                  Be thankful for life's chances and opportunities,

                  Mistakes and lessons, and moments to enhance,

                           Nature's beauty, often missed by most,

            And time I have to show my deep gratitude in advance.

               Let’s welcome this enduring feeling with open arms,

                   As we walk through this journey, hand in hand,

                      with our hearts brimming with gratefulness,

                             In its embrace, forever it’ll expand.

          Rumaysa Butul Syeda
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