Page 7 - RISE_JUNE_2024
P. 7

Green is the color all I see

                Ya! You get, they are trees

                In a garden, all day long I sing

                To make the tune birds flap their wings

                          All I know is

                          It is our culture

                          To nurture the nature

                I always want trees around me

                As they give me the immense peace
                After the trees comes the sea, my buddy

                Stand on a shore you will feel the refreshing breeze

                          All I know is

                          It is our culture
                          To nurture the nature

                Animals are my friends
                Their company makes my sadness end

                They are the one whom I nurture
                Oh! I love this beautiful nature

                          That is why I say
                          IT OUR CULTURE

                          TO NURTURE THE NATURE

                                                                                         Dhruv Chouhan
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