Page 11 - RISE_JUNE_2024
P. 11

The  Pulavendran  family  is  a
      close-knit        group         of      five

      individuals,  each  bringing  our
      own unique qualities to create a

      warm and loving atmosphere.

      Pulavendran,  my  father,  is  a
      dedicated         and       hardworking

      individual  who  serves  as  the
      rock  of  our  family.  Menaga,  the
      mother,  is  the  nurturing  and

      caring  center  of  the  family,               Sudharshni,  the  lively  and  spirited  middle
      offering unwavering support and                sister, brings boundless energy and joy into

      compassion.                                    the household.

                                                     Roshni,  the  youngest  sister,  is  known  for
                                                     her  gentle  and  empathetic  nature.  As  the

                                                     Eldest one, Myself Dharshni is a responsi-
                                                     ble  and  supportive  figure,  providing  guid-
                                                     ance  and  care  to  my  younger  siblings.

                                                     Together,  we  form  a  strong  and  loving
                                                     family, supporting each other through life's

                                                     challenges  and  celebrating  each  other's

                                                     “FAMILY IS NOT AN IMPORTANT THING,

                                                                     IT’S EVERYTHING”

      Dharshni  Pulavendran
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