Page 16 - RISE_JUNE_2024
P. 16

I  had  a  wonderful  vacation  in  Paris

           when I was sixteen years old. I took a

           trip to Paris, France with my family.  It

           was my first trip out of the country and

           my first time in an airplane. During my

           vacation,  we  enjoyed  visiting  many

           places that I usually saw on television

           such  as  the  Eiffel  Tower,  the  Triumph

           Arc, and the Champs Elysees.

                                         After  a  long  flight,  we  arrived  at

                                         Charles de Gaulle airport. It was very

                                         big  and  very  organized,  and  we  met

                                         people from all around the world. We

                                         were  so  exhausted  from  the  three

                                         hours flight, but so happy and excited

                                         to  discover  the  City  of  light  and  it’s

           magic. Next, we took a cab to get to our beautiful hotel

           in downtown Paris. On our way, we had a good  con-

           versation with our driver. He was very nice and help-

           ful with his funny French accent. At the hotel, we de-

           cided to take a nap to relax and recover before our ex-

           cursion start.
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