Page 13 - RISE_JUNE_2024
P. 13

At  evening,  my  Mom  and  Dad  went  to  my  Mom’s

         Home. But, when they returned,They brought a furry

         friend  too..  Jackie,  a  1-month-old  (Doberman  Pin-

         scher)  Puppy.  It  was  kept  in  a  cardboard  box.  My

         youngest  sister,  Alexi  kept  her  hand  inside  the  box

         (not knowing a puppy was inside the box), and some-

         thing  furry  licked  her  hand.She  was  surprised  and

         looked inside, and saw a puppy. We were surprised and

         excited!  I  told  my  family,  “This  little  puppy,  is  our

         Christmas Present from Santa Claus!” My sisters, and

         me started looking for a name for the puppy. Blacky,

         Ginger,  Rockie,  Tipu.  None  fit  him.  My  grandparents

         thought  of  a  name  “Jackie”,  and  we  thought  it  was


                                                    Now Jackie has grown long and

                                                    is around 6-months-old, but he

                                                    is still my little puppy and that

                                                    photo is taken when Jackie was

                                                    sitting on my lap.

                                                                Alexia Lilly Sijy
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