Page 19 - Inquisitive Employee Engagement Guide v22
P. 19
You will only get one chance to q skill building where necessary.
make this first impression. This is the q their coach, facilitator and enabler.
journey that really matters for q helping them confirm they made a good
engaging employees and is a great career choice.
starting point to build an awesome
employee experience. You are: They are listening, learning and wanting to
engage. Does the reality of the experience
q building the relationship before their match the story they were sold to come
first day at work. join the tribe? Does the narrative add up?
q welcoming them into the tribe and Have you under promised and over
your home. delivered. They will not forget this
q providing a support network and moment of truth.
guide to help them navigate this new
terrain. This is not about the first day, a few
q introducing them to colleagues meetings, a course or a schedule of
through a series of events. appointments. It is about committing to a 6
q setting and managing expectations on month journey to ensure you get the return
the deal for the first 6 months. on the investment you have made.
q explaining your WHY in the context of
their role. Seek to empathise with new colleagues and
q introducing them to the brand, the anticipate their needs. Onboarding should
culture and the quirks of working with be supported with clear processes and a
you – in what you say and by what you series of events that create the right
do. experience to support the deal you have
q equipping them with the right tools made.
and information to do their job.
q getting them up to speed in their role There will be bumps in the road but
as quickly as possible. overall it should be a great memorable
journey that creates trust, delivers
community and builds belonging.