Page 51 - Warwickers Communication Counts v2015
P. 51

Coming in house with SharePoint and Yammer

For larger organisations intranets are now seen as the foundations for internal communication. However
few have developed these into the online collaboration tools especially if they are led by IT rather than
internal communication. However the recent arrival of Microsoft SharePoint with Yammer (a free add on
to its Server) provides the technology platform to deliver this much more easily within Businesses. It
provides a fully functioning web portal for content management, collaboration tools, shared calendars
and contacts, alerts, discussion boards, blogs, wikis, document management, web collaboration and
customizable web pages. Allowing you to bring Web 2.0 in house and brand it. Have a look at the

The opportunities

Technology provides the opportunity to innovate and experiment – it is about creating communities,
encouraging dialogue, knowledge sharing, ideas generation, encouraging questions and sometimes dissent.
You need to let your employees help create this new world and bring the conversations in-house.
Ownership is about championing and nurturing not controlling. IT need a solution oriented remit as an
enabler to make it work for you.

If increasing dialogue, aiding transparency and breaking down silos are within your communication aims
these technologies can be powerful enablers. You do not need to use it all at once just dip your toe in.
Begin piloting some of these concepts and tailoring them for your culture. Using employee segmentation
and new media provides the tools and support to create online forums for communities to share
information, best practice, knowledge, solutions to everyday challenges and ideas i.e. for managers,
projects, talent, graduates, champions, pathfinders, locations, specialism's. Also for employee surveys you
can set up discussion boards/ build an interactive e-zine on key issues, use twitter for on the pulse feedback
or introduce your own LinkedIn/ Facebook for networking within the business. You also have the tools to
filter, analyse and digest the content for language, themes and hot issues. Also with the shift to Mobile and
Tablet use ensure your content can be accessed and works easily on all platforms.

Do not ignore, do not legislate against - just seek out the opportunity and explore the possibilities.
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