Page 16 - Jilli's Hikmaty JOURNALING to get stuff done and learn more v0123
P. 16

2                                                               We call this your Life Pie
       2    A SIMPLE MEASURE

                                                                       We have divided it up into 8 slices with a topic for each.
                                                                       It is about the concept not the topics so feel free to
                                                                       change them to better represent your own life.

                                                                       1)   Set a time frame of 1, 3, 5, 7 or 10 years. Go
                                                                            forward in time and imagine meeting yourself then.
                                                                       2)   Go through each slice and describe in detail what
                                                                            your ideal life in that topic – a 10 out of 10 - would
                                                                            look like and feel like – what would you be doing,
                                                                            what would you have and who would you be?
                                                                            What if you dreamed a bit bigger – what would a
                                                                            12 out of 10 look like !?
                                                                       3)   Now go round the pie and score your life now
                                                                            against that ideal – with 0 at the centre moving
                                                                            outwards towards 10.
                                                                       4)   Firstly note the categories you are already strong in
                                                                            - what is already working for you? These things are
                                                                            the foundations and fuel for the changes you need
                                                                            in other areas.
                                                                       5)   Then ask these questions:
                                                                              a)  What are these PIEs telling you?
                                                                              b)  Review why you scored each TOPIC as you
                                                                                  did – thoughts and feelings?
                                                                              c)  What areas are the most important to you?
                                                                              d)  Where are your priorities right now? Why?
                                                                              e)  Which need fixing first? Why?
                                                                              f)  Where can you make an impact quickly?
                                                                              g)  What is just not important? Why?
                                                                              h)  What would be the gamechanger in your
                                                                       6)   You have the basis to begin your planning – set a
                                                                            timeframe and add some goals.
          ©Taken from the Hikmaty Design Your Life Toolkit
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